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Various types of round shot made from stone, iron and lead found on board the 16th century carrackMary Rose.

Cannon Balls Wooden Ship Model Fittings Cannon Balls come in a range of sizes. Chain and bar shot was used against the rigging, while grapeshot was often used against deck crew - grapeshot was 1-2lb iron balls tied to awood mount with ropes, which broke after firing and producing a. 2016 Pressed Cafe. All Rights Reserved. Branding & Design by KrinskyDesign.

Mons Meg with its 20' (50 cm) caliber cannonballs
Cannonball equipped with winglets for rifled cannons, circa 1860

A round shot (also called solid shot or simply ball) is a solid sphericalprojectile without explosive charge launched from a gun. Its diameter is slightly less than the bore of the barrel from which it is shot. A round shot fired from a large-caliber gun is also called a cannonball.

The cast iron cannonball was introduced by a French artillery engineer, Samuel J. Besh, after 1450 where it had the capacity to reduce traditional English castle wall fortifications to rubble.[1] French armories would cast a tubular cannon body in a single piece and cannonballs took the shape of a sphere initially made from stone material. Advances in gunpowder manufacturing soon led the replacement of stone cannonballs with cast iron ones.[2]

Round shot was made in early times from dressed stone, referred to as gunstone (Middle English gunneston, from gonne, gunne gun + stoon, ston stone), but by the 17th century, from iron. It was used as the most accurate projectile that could be fired by a smoothbore cannon, used to batter the wooden hulls of opposing ships, fortifications, or fixed emplacements, and as a long-range anti-personnel weapon. However, masonry stone forts designed during the early modern period (known as star forts) were almost impervious to the effects of round shot.

In land battles, round shot would often plough through many ranks of troops, causing multiple casualties. Unlike the fake gunpowder explosions representing roundshot in movies, roundshot was more like a bouncing bowling ball that would not stop after the initial impact, but continue and tear through anything in its path. It could bounce when it hit the ground, striking men at each bounce. The casualties from round shot were extremely gory; when fired directly into an advancing column, a cannonball was capable of passing straight through up to forty men. Even when most of its kinetic energy is expended, a round shot still has enough momentum to knock men over and cause gruesome injury. A round shot would not even have to make contact to create casualties; a near miss could cause internal injury or concussion, sometimes fatal, without leaving a mark on the victim, a condition known as 'wind of a ball'.[3]

When attacking wooden ships or land structures that would be damaged by fire, the cannonball could be heated to red hot. This was called a 'heated shot'. (On the shot called 'the single deadliest cannon shot in American history,' see Negro Fort.)

Round shot has the disadvantage of not being tightly fitted into the bore (to do so would cause jamming). This causes the shot to 'rattle' down the gun barrel and leave the barrel at an angle unless wadding or a discarding sabot is used. This difference in shot and bore diameter is called 'windage.'

Round shot has been totally replaced by modern shells. Round shot is used in historical recreations and historical replica weapons.

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In the 1860s, some round shots were equipped with winglets to benefit from the rifling of cannons. Such round shot would benefit from gyroscopic stability, thereby improving their trajectory, until the advent of the ogival shell.[4]

At the Battle of Bosworth there is an exhibition displaying where they found numerous lead cannon balls or rather its correct term, round shot, when the archaeologists did some metal detection in the fields around the Bosworth Field.[citation needed] At Cragend Farm, Northumberland, similar lead round shot was found in the Silo Field, using metal detection that appears to be from the same era.Harry Hotspur owned the farm and so this would tie in with the dates of the find. The mass of the shot was measured with it being 98% lead which would suggest that it has a stone within.[citation needed]

See also[edit]


  1. ^Maier, Charles S. (2016). Once Within Borders: Territories of Power, Wealth, and Belonging since 1500. Harvard University Press. ISBN978-0674059788.
  2. ^Martello, Robert (2010). Midnight Ride, Industrial Dawn: Paul Revere and the Growth of American Enterprise. Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 174. ISBN978-0801897580.
  3. ^Watt, James (1975). 'The injuries of four centuries of naval warfare'. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. 57 (1): 8. PMC2388509. PMID1098546. Retrieved 14 February 2020.
  4. ^Musée de la Marine, Paris

External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Cannonballs.
  • Photo of stone round shot from the Castello Sforzesco in Milan, Italy
  • 'A Guide to Geometry, Surveying, the Launching of Missiles, and the Planting of Mines' features 18th century schematic drawings of cannonballs from the Muslim world via the World Digital Library
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There is just no stopping Voodoo from coming up with highly addictive arcade games. Ball Blast is an insanely new game from the French developer where you have to take out balls falling from the sky by using your trusty cannon. You will have to stop them from falling before they hit the ground. The problem is, they get bigger and tougher the further you progress in the game.

You will need to upgrade your cannon in order to keep up with them. As you hit the balls, they will break apart into smaller balls until they disappear completely. You will earn coins depending on your scores. Use these coins to purchase different upgrades for your cannon. The more firepower you have, the better your scores will be.

Don’t forget to check out our Ball Blast cheats, tips and tricks in order to get those top scores! Upgrades Are For WinnersAs we mentioned above, the coins you earn while playing can be used to purchase upgrades.

There are four upgrade categories that you can invest in: coin, fire speed, fire power, and offline earnings. The coin upgrade lets you earn more money from your runs. Upgrading fire speed and fire power increases your cannon’s fire rate and damage respectively.

Obviously, offline earnings increase the amount of money you generate while logged off from the game. The category you should prioritize depends on your play style. For example, if you don’t get to play often, you can invest more in offline earnings. Prioritize Money Over PowerSince you need coins to purchase more upgrades, it only makes sense for you to prioritize upgrades that increase your income. Make sure you prioritize the two money-related upgrades over fire power and fire speed. Spend all your money on upgrading the coin and offline income categories until you feel like you cannot progress any further in the game due to lack of power. You should also choose to upgrade speed over power because having a faster fire rate lets you deal with more balls quickly.

Continue After DeathWhen your run ends, you will be given an offer to continue where you left off by watching an ad. Keep in mind that this is only available the first time you die in your run. When you die for a second time, you will be given another ad offer. This time around, it will be to double whatever you earned during that round. Make sure you take advantage of these two in order to maximize both your scores and your income.

Child of Eden thrusts the player into the center of a battle to save Project Lumi, a mission to reproduce a human personality inside Eden, the archive of all human memories. Child of Eden is a rail shooter game created by Tetsuya Mizuguchi, best known for Rez, developed by Q Entertainment and published by Ubisoft. The game announcement opened Ubisoft's pre-E3 2010 press conference and was one of the first titles shown with support for Xbox 360's Kinect peripheral. Child of Eden is a unique rail shooter from Ubisoft, where the player's mission is to save Eden from a virus in order to restore hope and peace. Games All Games News. Child of eden games with gold

Roll Over The CoinsAs you shoot the balls out of the sky, you will see coins drop on the ground. One thing you should know is that you don’t earn those coins until you actually run over them with your cannon. That means you should take time to roll from side to side in order to pick up the coins. Make sure you don’t get yourself killed while picking them up, though. Unlock New BackgroundsThe game lets you change the background in order to keep things interesting. The background you choose does not have any impact on gameplay, but it is fun to mix things up once in a while.

You can play in a grassy meadow, on the beach of an island, or even up on the moon. If you are looking for something really unique, however, you should go for the skin you get with Play Tomorrow. This completely dark skin is the only one that interacts with foreground elements, changing the color of the explosions depending on the size of the boulder you just obliterated.Get your cannon and start blasting away in Ball Blast! Follow the tips, cheats and tricks listed above in order to get high scores! This “article” is rife with pure ignorance.– There is no value in investing in offline earnings. It will never return your investment. At 1480%, it costs another 410k coins to move up to the next level of earnings.

At this current level, the max offline earnings is roughly 7.5k. At this rate, it will take almost an entire month of playing the game no more than a couple of times per day to earn back the 400k-ish coins it required to move to this level from the last one. If you add up the TOTAL cost of all of the upgrades to get to this level, it would literally take MONTHS of not playing to get this back.– “Prioritize money over power”. This is straight-up bad advice. As stated previously, the length of time it takes to get back your investment on the offline piece makes it completely not worth the upgrades.

Putting your coins into speed and power upgrades earns you more points each time you play because you can destroy more balls. The occasional upgrade to the number of coins earned while playing can be helpful, but it should be the lowest overall priority.– “Continue after death”. Again, straight-up bad advice. If you’ve upgraded the coins you earn while playing, it is very common to be rewarded with large bonuses at the end of the round. Using an extra life and not completing the level you are in will almost never show you a large bonus of coins when you die. So, watching the video to continue play actually DECREASES your coin-earning potential. Plus, using the extra life to complete a round actually puts you in a worse position because you are not earning coins to purchase firepower upgrades (necessary for the Boss Fight levels – more later).– Roll over the coins.

While true, it’s also important to understand that A) you have to roll over the bonus that falls when you destroy the mystery ball in order to activate it and B) you can’t remove your finger from the screen when you destroy the last bubble of a round or you won’t be able to still roll over the fallen coins that are there.– Unlock new backgrounds. This is about driving up the score and yet it says outright that it has no bearing on gameplay. Why is this a “tip”?– One bonus at a time. If you roll over a bonus item while you have a bonus active, you will get both (or however many) at the same time. Some bonuses do not help you out in combination.

For example, Freeze and Ghost don’t help each other. If you’re able to delay rolling over a bonus while you have one of these two active, you may actually fare better overall. Keep in mind the bonuses don’t stay forever.– Flashing means something is about to change. If you have the Freeze bonus, you’ll know the balls are about to start moving again when they start to flash. If you have coins that are about to disappear, they will flash and you should roll over them quickly to claim them. Same with bonuses.

If your cannon starts flashing, it means that an active bonus is about to end.– Multiple cannons. While it would seem this should be a big bonus feature, I haven’t found them to be terribly useful.

It can be slightly confusing to keep track of which cannon is the original when, especially if you have three or four of these active together. The good news is that a ball landing on a bonus cannon will simply deactivate it and not completely end your turn.– Boss Levels. Every fifth level (ends in 0 0r 5) is a Boss Fight.

The level of challenge for each is wildly variable and you need to have the fastest, strongest firepower you can get in order to pass these levels. Boss Fights are pretty useless for earning coins, so you need to have all of your upgrades done (or coins amassed) before you get to one of these levels.– Prioritize your targets. Generally, the smallest ball on the screen is the one you should make your priority to destroy first. Follow it around until it’s gone. Balls start out larger and split into two smaller balls each time they are destroyed. Once it reaches the smallest allowed size for the game, destroying it makes it go away and drop coins.

By focusing on the smallest ball on the screen at any given time, you are closest to completely removing a moving target from play. If you focus on larger balls first, you will ultimately end up with a screen FULL of targets / hazards and no way to avoid them.– Re-prioritize as needed. Sometimes, a much larger ball will enter the playing field but it will be green and have a relatively low number on it. Re-prioritize these types of targets because the total number of shots required to completely remove it and all of its smaller balls that will be created is much lower than that of the smallest balls with very high numbers.– Lead don’t follow. When shooting at a target that will bounce before you can completely destroy it, “lead” it across the screen and don’t follow it.

By being ahead of the target when it bounces, it will then move INTO your stream of bullets and you won’t have to play catch up.– Don’t waste time watching videos for small bonuses. At the end of a round, you will get an opportunity to basically double the number of coins you earned in that round by watching a video ad. Keep an eye on how many coins it’s worth before deciding to watch the video.

At the current stage of the game I’m in, I routinely will earn 1k-2k coins in a round but won’t watch a video for a bonus unless it’s worth at least 30k coins. Many times, I get 60k, 90k, or even 120k coin bonuses offered and I always take advantage of those. By skipping the 30 second video for “small” bonuses, I can get back to gameplay and rack up a much larger quantity in less time than the video would take.– Free upgrades.

Watch your upgrade options before starting every round. The game will sometimes offer a free upgrade to one of the categories for watching a video instead of using coins. Take advantage of these when they’re available.