Eden Eternal Review

Eternal Eden is the first offering from Blossomsoft, an indie company RPG Land interviewed some time ago. The story of Eternal Eden takes advantage of some of the tried-and-true stereotypes of the genre, but manages to make them interesting enough that players will find themselves continuing just to see what happens next. It starts off in Eden, a perfect world maintained by the power of a. Eden Eternal Game Reviews. The Eden Eternal team recently allowed a small handful of writers for prominent gaming news sites exclusive access to Eden.

Haha it is rather a shame.The game totally died.This’ll be some longass comment but if you’re even remotely considering trying this game out, go through it:I initially tried this game in 2013 and it was LOVELY. I was still pretty dumb and would ask for help for the simplest things, but the community was so loving they all treated new players like part of a great family and would be willing to help with such simple tasks. The classes were fairly balanced, economy was fine, it wasn’t such a glamorous things to have costumes and, if you happened to not know about the gearing system, people would actually help you out.Then 2015 came and so did Mimic. And that’s when it all went to hell. I also know about the server merge but you know what?

That is not what ruined the game. Dia and Sapph BOTH had shitty people in it, gold-selling bots had always been a long-time thing, so to put this one on Sapph’s community is just a shitty way to shove your victim complex down other people’s throats.

In any case, got side-tracked yeah. Then it plagued PvP I remember when I first went there, I wanted to be the pro-est Blade Dancer, and it was fun knowing that others also had these expectations for certain classes, but after Mimic came it was all lazing around.

The higher levels became cocky and wouldn’t help anyone anymore. PvP was all about: someone playing as a normal class they had actually grinded for and became a pro with vs five mimics with shitty gears and annoying abilities staggering the crap out of you.The loving community was gone. The economy had gone to hell after the pay2win people came to OF COURSE, gear their mimics.

I remember the guild I was used to be really caring and helpful, then the leader fell for the Mimic crap, found new friends, eventually he became a shitty person and we all left. It was all a mess.Then we get awakened classes. Don’t even get me started on that. The lack of balance of this game goes up the roof, into space, into another dimension it is unbelievable. And of course, with how easily it was for even shitty-geared people to become op thanks to this, the community died further and all of them became scumbags.This game IS NOT BEGINNER FRIENDLY. Unless you got friends to play with or HAPPEN to have the rare sight of another new player and party each other to complete the quests, you won’t get anywhere. Not to mention the pay2win based system and the fact that economy is gone to hell seriously, it is funny how costy even a single freaking Eden Crystal is anymore.

From 50g to 3k real quick a shame.This game is Aeria’s cow when it comes to money. Shitty repeated altar with shitty looking costumes and recoloured mounts only herald the eventual death of this game, and also make evident that they don’t know what to do with the game anymore aside from feeding people’s egos with their shitty gears. And what is the saddest is that those shitty people make guilds that house even shittier individuals.

And of course, if the game’s only about the money now you can already tell, there’s literally NOTHING a new player’s gotta do here.Unless you like stupidly unbalanced classes, shitty people to deal with both at PvE and PvP, throwing money out of the window for looks, and being in lonely ass maps where you’ll rarely run into anyone unless it’s the main city where the assholes are sharing a meeting in, don’t try this game. Waste of, not time, but spirits. Plus it’s gonna die soon so lol.

Outward wiki. It was a beautiful and excellent game, i honestly loved this game to bits and spent so many hours on it with my guild. Lvl 75 and my ign was kiritsuga to those who may know me on the diamond server, or what was once the diamond server before aeria games made the worst decision and merged the two servers. As i said before the game was great, community was amazing, awesome gameplay. I ended up getting a few long distance relationships there and they were great. But once they merged with the sapphire server everything went to shit.

The sapphire server was filled with hackers and gold buyers which destroyed the once stable economy of the diamond server. Beginners couldnt use the auction since everything was overpriced and most of the small businesses couldnt compete. My guild once 30 strong fell apart as we couldnt keep new members since the game was ruined by the merge. We lost our guild town, something we worked for half a year for, our members, and most of all our family.

Soon only the two founding sisters and i were left. I honestly miss the game so much and i tried getting back into it but now the once loving community i knew quit the game and never returned. Some stayed, like my old ign gf and joined new guilds. I was offered places being a rookie and one of the top pvp players on my lvl,majoring in templar and being built to combat agaisnt mimics. But the family aspect we once had were we all knew each other by name was gone. Its still a great game on its own right but its full potential that had been reached was destroyed in days after the merge. If you want a game where you have so many options then pick up this game, but if you want a community with a good game dont pick this one up.

I feel so sorry for this dude and this game man. Ive never played it (but i will eventually bec of it looks, and bec of the rpg and anime theme), but after reading this post its a little sad! Its almost like League Of Legends.

I started League form like the end of 4th patch and it was decent! There was a couple or trolls, but it didnt matter at all bec it was like small ones.

Now there are like kids, trolls and other kind of rude ppl that only want to ruin the game! Thats why im going to Paladins or other moba (saddly there arent that much). But i hope that uve started a new good game that u can enjoy! Ill start Eden Eternal so wish me luck;)! This game is a huge P2W grindfest.

Sure it was fun at first release, but now 2 years later, you cant do shit without spending money. Here a list of some of the things that you can buy straight up with money:100% success rate stones pack to get from +0 to +14 on your weapons and armorLegendary costumes that add a bunch of stats to your characterBattle mount that increase your movespeed by 50-70% in combat while also increase your statsPermanent stones buff that increase your statsAnd the game is now deader than the hooker in my basement. The company is throwing all kind of legendary shit on the Eden Crystal altar, which is like a lottery, to keep the players playing. And of course, you have to pay money to get the eden crystal.If you have any sense, do not play this game. The PvP on this game really, really sucks.

You get thrown in as a random monster fighting other random monsters in the monster battle arena OR OR OR You get to fight 3 on 3 but your pets actually do more damage than players, meaning you can buy power.Verdict? The pets ruin PvP. The monster battle were not fun, even the first time around. I kinda liked this game, but when I reached level 40 something I noticed that this game does not take PvP seriously at all. The community was also lacking, too many very super young kids. It did not help that the game is almost completely solo friendly, so you don’t ever need to group, really.Want an MMO where here you solo 95% of the time? Play this game, or you might as well play a console game than has infinite better graphics, mechanics and no lag.

I agree with ZIVOR ARAX,Yeah i played this game for maybe a solid one year it was okay at first when you’re doing your own thing but eventually you gave to group with some people, after getting higher lvl at first i floated at lvl 50-60 for along time had some fun there but then they came out with the new class “Mimic” and destroyed the game even more than it already was. I then leveled up to 75 and same thing everyone was playing Mimic.

Went into a PVP guild and once again was ashamed of the PVP even at a guild level the entire game is Pay to Win if you fail to see that clearly your one of the people who Pay to Win, in the end game is unbalanced in everyway possible to many little kids in the game that have their parents wallets in hand and ruined the experience game rate for me is 3/10 only reason i stayed so long was because my Girlfriend was playing it at the time.In the end I would not recommend this game to anyone. Unless the games Cash shop is changed to not Pay to Win and entire server Wipe. I’d just like to say that i used to be a big fan of this game back when it was in open beta and launch, great game but the customer service is terrible, i took a break for like a month and come back to my account had been hacked and my character had not weapons or armour. So i sent a ticket to speak to a GM, took 5 days for anyone to get back to me and the guy says “well I’m sorry but it looks like your account got hacked and we can’t do anything about it, you should of kept it more secure, have a nice day.” so i sent one back telling the guy that i am a customer and not a idiot, i sent the ticket to see if i can get help and i get a mouth full. Then 2 days later i get a reply with just the words “Enjoy;)” and every time i try to login to the website i get this “Sorry. The account has been blocked due to violation of our terms of service.” what a load of bull crap.

I wanted to play this game again with my account and claim one of the key from this site too ðŸ™x81. No.Customer support is idiotic.Being a WoW player I have been hacked before and although it took time,the items were usually returned.Even on other games such as Mu Online,Ragnarok Online,FFXI,etc. Ive played this game for like 1 and half years. When the server merge came so came the trolls and over pricers to the diamond server. Everything became very ridiculous, like low level materials for crafting in a auction house goes for like 10g per piece and then high level materials go for 2-5 gold a piece.then aeria doesnt keep up with their servers which creates server lag. Especially on sapphire you have tiny bits of lag when you either talk to an npc or your quests lag up when you kill 7 monsters and it shows up as 2. Aeriagames need to get their crap in gear.

Or else this summer their gonna have a very bad time. Game was fun at 1st and I enjoyed it but certain things are holding me back from continuing. Combat system is extremely clunky, feels super laggy. Instant casts are not really instants as for most of aeria games I’ve tried. You can change to any class you want as long as you have leveled pre req jobs. This wasn’t too bad for me, unique but I originally didn’t like it. What killed it for me was the fact that leveling other jobs gives you something called job expertise which basically raises your stats.

So if you want to at top of game you will have to grind out every single one, carrying different weapons of all the classes in your already cluttered bags and at around 30 the gold to level each professions skills gets extremely expensive. If the games combat wasn’t so clunky, and there was no job expertise I would enjoy it 10x more but that’s just my opinion on it. A very fun and cute MMO but doesn’t offer much new to the genre.This is a Chinese game, localized to English so players shouldn’t expect any kind of local content development only patches and occasional expansions ported from the Chinese version. (This is the case for many free MMOs) However, Aeria does have an active GM(Game Master) and GS(Player Mod) staff so events are fairly frequent.I think the main unique point for Eden Eternal is its class switching feature. At any time, out of combat, you can change to a different role with a different set of skills. Of course you will need to level up each class separately if you wish to be effective with it. This feature is super convenient over maintaining multiple characters.The quest system is very straightforward and simplified to the point that you don’t even need to speak english to perform them.

Simply right click on a quest objective and your character will autoroute to the required monster field or npc.The item mall seems to be much fairer than other games. You won’t find any legendary equipment everyone still hunts bosses, crafts, or participates in arena matches to deck out their characters in gear. You will find boosts, cosmetics, fashions, and resets however many of the items are tradeable and buyable from sellers with in game currency.Rather than outright buying items though, the cashshop seems to be more gambling oriented.

There is an in game slot machine style feature called the Crystal Altar. It consumes Eden Crystals to use which are the top sellers in the cash shop.

The Crystal Altar features ever changing fashion/mount/consumables as prizes and will most likely be your primary money sink, should you decide to spend on this game. The webpage also features various Mystery Boxes, Gambling wheels and such to spend your cash points on.

However nothing that can’t be purchased with in game gold (by those who sell their winnings) if you are the hard working type. Amazing game great community (mostly a few loot thiefs) the GM are great the problem? Well they lease the game from a korean company that actually made the game and the people at aeria have never actually programmed anything for their games other than their item mall crap so only the korean company can patch problems and what the hell do they care they are getting paid a lease no matter what. So amazing game but put in the wrong hands with aeria blizzard or NCsoft woulda taken this and gone nutz and created something like wow but with a new class system and yah aeria is group of cheapskates with their servers. Some of the PvP in Eden Eternal is your normal PvP stuff (non-arena style), but if you join the arena, things do differ quite a bit. For example, the monster arena is fun. You become a boss monster with a whole new set of abilities and stats based on your type.

Your monster type switches every round. There is the traditional 1 v 1, but there are also 3v3 and 10v10, and even massive guild wars and territory fights (though being at lv 75 for those (the current lv cap) is helpful. My lv 60 fell prey to all sorts of trouble).

Some of the PvP is indeed cheap when there are paying users, yes (when isn’t it that way?) but most of the time, the PvP is fun and worth a shot. Both are really great games, but I think Dragon Nest is better. It has a better game economy (by far! Eden Eternal, right now, has some serious crap to clear up in that department), and it’s storyline is really good also. Eden Eternal is a lot of fun, though, but leveling isn’t as easy or as fun than it is in Dragon Nest.

DN has exp bonuses for partying up, and for doing dungeons with friends (as well as other people, but that would send me on a massive rabbit trail). Eden Eternal, however, offers no such bonuses, so people solo unless they don’t care about exp that much and just want to help or be friendly.The guilds in Eden Eternal, however, are a huge part of the game, and they do the game great justice.

The guild system is definitely my favorite part of the game: you can have your own town that you can visit for weapon and armor blueprints for crafting, you can mine and farm for crafting materials, and you can ever craft high level gear there. The DN guilds are not nearly this complicated and cool, but are very nice none the less.Finally, there is the conflict of “click on an enemy and attack with a skill” or “hack-and-slash style” combat. Eden Eternal has you click on a foe, then you can use either skills or regular attacks to do damage, and you and the enemy attack automatically (not in a turned base style, though). There are AoE attacks, but you can only attack a single foe via the target (unless using an AoE attack of course). DN, on the other hand is a hack and slash game, meaning you run around and deal damage and can dodge attacks, use skills in between attacks, etc etc. Like a Legend of Zelda game, or a God of War game. DN’s battle system is a lot more fun in both PvE and PvP and both courses provide a challenge, but Eden Eternal’s battle system is fully functioning as well and doesn’t take away from the game.These are just my opinions.

If you’d like to ask me more, feel free to either chat here, or contact me in either Eden Eternal or DN. My IGN for Eden Eternal is Rowigrath, and for DN it is Rachale. Thanks for listening!Rowi.