Hitman 2 Cheats Pc

This page contains Cheats for Hitman 2 organized by sections for PC. This game has 'Action Adventure' as genre, made by Io Interactive, released on Nov 13, 2018. If you can't find a hint or secret in our list, then please check this page periodically for the latest updates.

In this mission, you would have to kill the chefinside, but you would make progress swiftly ifyou pace yourself. First, wait for those 2 guysaround the stone to turn back. Walk carefullyand the guard near the door will also go inside.Then, kill the guard at the right side of themap, change clothes, and hide the body at theright bottom corner on the map. You shouldprobably save now. Walk along the right wall,and kill another guard you see. Move the bodybehind the stone.The point here is if you are trying to kill thechef by waiting at the near corner, the chefwill never come out. Wait behind the stone untilthe chef comes out and kill him, and do the restby yourself.

On the motorcade level, you need to clear thetown quickly and grab the supplied rifle. Shootyour target.

This will cause the UN guards tostop and run on foot to your position. Waituntil they get through the gates, then dodgetheir shots and put them in the cross fire fromthe remaining troops outside. Since you cannothurt them, do not shoot. They will soon shoottheir own men.

Then, just run up and grab an M4.This may not be easy, but it does work. To get the M4 easier, just use the fiber wire onthe UN guards. Throughout all the levels you will run into manydifferent types of guns. Whenever you see a gunthat you do not already have, pick it up.

Afteryou complete the level on which you found thegun, the gun will now be available at yourhouse. You will have ammunition in the room foryou to use if desired. However, there are manyguns that are too big to carry inside yourclothes and therefore must be held in the open.You will not be able to pick up a gun of thesame size or greater without dropping the oneyou are holding. You will find other guns on thesame level that you cannot pick up because youare already holding one, and the gun you want issimply too big to conceal. In this case, youwill have to decide which gun you want more thenfinish the level with it. You can always replaythat level to get the other gun that was leftbehind. Walk over to get the sniper rifle that theagency dropped off for you.

There is a buildingacross from here that has stairs that only go upone story. Make sure you do not get spotted withthe rifle in your hand and make you way to thosesteps, but do not go up them.

Use them to hidebehind. Set your aim to where you are stillbehind the stairs and have the last bit of roadthat the limousine will get to before enteringthe castle gates in view. This should leave youwith a good shot at your target. Once you havescored the shot, drop the rifle and walk calmlyto the exit. It may take a few attempts to hitthe target. Note: Kneeling helps.

Note: This is the easiest level to complete witha 'Silent Assassin' rank. You will need thecrossbow from the hidden valley at the Gates AndShogun Showdown level. Start by running to thedumpsters directly in front of you. Hide behindthe box so that the patrolling guard does notsee you. When he goes back behind the wall, runand get the car bomb. Then, run down the sewerthat is visible when you run from your boat.Keep going to the left of the wall and you willeventually get to a turning. Go down here andyou find a ladder that leads to the underside ofthe car.

Place the bomb then climb down. Go tothe ladder that is nearest to the radio towerand climb out.

There will be a guard that willstay at the door of the tower for a long time.Go behind the wall. As soon as he goes past thewall, run up and pick the lock. Then, run to theright of the radio tower. Do not go up theladder.

Instead, hide as far behind the tower asyou can. Wait for awhile until the guard goesbehind the wall again then climb up the ladder.Save the game at this point. Look through thescope and you should see the two targets walkingaround the park.

Do not shoot them the firsttime you see them. Wait until they come back andtake out the man in the brown. Save the game atthis point.

Wait until the 'Objective Updated'message appears then check which way the guarddown at the bottom is facing. Drop the crossbowand go down the ladder. Run to the place thatyou hid at previously. He should return to hispatrolling. When he goes behind the wall thatyou waited for him to go behind before, run outthe door and to the manhole. Then, run back tothe manhole you started from in the sewers andcheck where the nearest guard is located. Climbout and run to your boat.The anesthetic and custom rifle are recommended.Otherwise, you will be using the sniper rifleyou will get at the pick up.

When you start thelevel, wait for the limousine to pass by youwithout getting spotted. Check your map and makesure the guard is not heading towards thedumpsters where the weapon drop is located. Oncethe guard is walking the other way, run towardthe dumpster and get your weapons.

If you do nothave the custom rifle, get the sniper rifle thatwas assigned for the mission. As soon as you getall your weapons, run to the street and go downthe manhole. Once in the sewers, run all the wayto the manhole next to the one you climbed down.If you check your map, it is located all the wayto the left. Once you climb it, you be under theGeneral's limousine. Set the car bomb and climbdown. Open your map. You have to go to secondman hole from your left.

When you go up, youshould be near the water tower. As soon as youare up on the streets again, run towards thebuilding that is closer to the water tower. Stayon the side of the street, not the alleyway.Hide from the guard but make sure you can stillsee what he is doing.

Save the game at thispoint. Once the guard is walking beside thewater tower (away from the streets), run to thedoor, pick the lock, and run besides the watertower (on the side the guard is not on).

Hide asclose to the wall as possible near the corner,drop the sniper rifle, then take out youranesthetic and have it ready. Get ready be readyto walk silently when the guard is near.

Theguard will pass right next to you, walkingtoward the street. When he passes by you, startwalking towards him. As soon as he stops, useall your anesthetic on him.

Take his clothes,run and get your sniper riffle then climb thewater tower. As soon as you are ready to shoot,save the game.

Aim towards the park and shootthe Mafia leader. He will be wearing a brownoutfit. If the Mafia leader cannot be seenbecause the General is in the way, take the shotat the General. It will go through and you willtake out two men down with one shot. If you justshoot the Mafia leader, the General will runtowards his limousine, which will explode withthe car bomb you set.

Go down the tower and runtowards the manhole you came out from. Climbdown and run toward the very first man hole youclimbed down from (the one near the weapon pickup). Then, run toward your boat.Get the two car bombs from behind the dumpster(and do not get spotted by the guard). Go intothe sewers and go left. Go to the ladder thatcomes up under the limousine. You can tell whichone is correct by comparing the sewer and streetmaps.

Go up the ladder. You will see the bottomof the car. Place a bomb. Go back down theladder and move to the far side of the sewer.Check your map for the manhole that exits behindthe building by the Mafia man's limousine. Go upthat ladder and wait for the limousine driver tourinate behind the building. When he does so,sneak up on him and use the anesthetic. Take hisuniform.

You may want to save the game at thispoint. Walk up to the limousine and place theother bomb.

If the guards start shooting at you,just reload from behind the building. Once thebomb is placed, walk back to the boat. Both menwill try to leave and blow up in their cars. Youwill not have alerted anyone or fired a singleshot.

At the start, wait for the guard at the sidedoor of the gates to urinate then sneak in. Runstraight to the cellar steps then sneak up tothe kitchen. Save the game at this point.

Checkyour map and wait for the Don to enter hisbedroom. When he does, the guard outside hisroom should leave and go to another room.Quickly get up there. You can take the Don outwith the silenced 9mm. Aim at his head.

Take hiskeys and jump off the balcony to the yard. Savethe game at this point. Hurry to the pool andwait until the coast is clear. Next, enter theside door to the house and run to the kitchen.Sneak down to the basement, making sure that thecook does not see you.

Go to the only room inthe basement where 47 will say that Victorio isnot there. From here, check your map and waituntil the guard urinates again. Then, run to thetool shed/car garage.

Once there, get the sniperrifle. Wait until he is done urinating andleaves to chat with his the guard at the kitchensteps. Run out the door and make for a clean getaway through the front gates where you first sawthe postman enter.You begin this level with a 9mm Pistol SD, FiberWire, Anesthetic and the Ballers. When youstart, ignore the mail man and just go to theside door.

Stand outside, but to the right ofthe door so the guard that comes out does notspot you. When he goes out, he will takeurinate. Get under stealth and sneak up to himslowly and quietly.

Use the Anesthetic on him.Take his clothing and hand gun. Equip your 9mmSD and put it in your holster. Get the body anddrag it just inside the door, or the guard thatwalks outside will spot him. You have to makesure that no one is alerted or killed besidesthe target throughout this entire level. Onceyou drop the body, walk casually all the way tothe back of the yard (on the right side of thehouse). Avoid getting too close to the guardsbecause they might shoot you. As you reach theback of the yard, open your map and see wherethe Don and driver are located.

If they arewalking towards the back to urinate, run inquickly, take a left as you walk in the door,and climb the ladder without getting spotted. Assoon as you get on the roof, run to the officeand enter the first door you encounter. The Donwill now enter the house and be on his way tothe office. Pull out your silenced 9mm pistol.Walk to the other exit of the office, which isdirectly across from the door you entered.

Openthe door, go out slightly, and do a 180 turn sothat you are facing the office. This is done sothat there is less of a chance that the Don willspot you when he walks in. Get a good shot andtake him out with one head shot. Once he walksin, he will not spot you and will walk to hisdesk. Aim for the head and shoot. Make sure thatyou shoot with the silenced 9mm pistol so youwill not be detected. Walk up to his body andpick up the revolver and room key.

Drag the bodyto the door you entered from. Put your hand gunin your holster. Save the game at this point.You must exit that room, but the guards willalmost always see right through you. Walkthrough the left door (as if you were lookingtowards the front of the house) and walkcasually.

The guard just outside will beextremely cautious and the meter will beflashing red. Do not panic.

Just keep walkingand take a left. If he shoots, pause game playthen load from your previous save and try again.When you take that left, go through the door toyour right.

You will be able to pick up someammunition in that room, but you will not reallyneed it as you cannot shoot anyone to get theSilent Assassin rank. As soon as you enter thatthat room, there will be another door that willbe on your left that leads to the kitchen. Checkyour map and make sure that no guard is there.If there is only a green circle in your map, itis the cook and she will not be alarmed. Rundown the stairs quickly, walk in the kitchen,and walk towards the basement stairs. City boundary maps of idaho falls.

Fromthere, you can run to the door where your mainobjective is located. Once you open the door,you will find no one and walk out the other door(left of the door you just opened). Save thegame at this point.

Once you climb up thosesteps, you will be in the main yard again. Youhave to exit through the door you came inthrough. The guard should still be knocked out.There will be two guards in front of the houselooking around. Try and walk closer to the wallto decrease the chances of being spotted. Run asfast as you can through the door and main exitand you will get a Silent Assassin rank. If youget a message that the guards are alarmed, startover from your last save point.

If they call youand are close and chase you. They will see theknocked out guard which will alarm them and youwill have to start from the last save point. Ifyou take too long, the mail man will deliver theflowers, the maid will go to the Don's officeand see that he is dead which will also fail theSilent Assassin rank.If you have a sniper rifle that you can startwith, use it. If not, when you start all youneed is the anesthetic. From the hill you beginat, run down at a right diagonal. You should benext to a door with a guard inside.

He will exitand start to urinate. When he does, use theentire bottle of anesthetic on him. Take hisclothes and gun and walk inside the door. Next,walk over to the back garage door entrance.

Goin and get the sniper rifle. Walk back to thehill you started at. If you look in your scope,you will see the Don playing golf on his deck.Snipe him. Drop the rifle and run back to thedoor. Then, walk over to where to Don islocated. Pick up the key and walk to the otherside of the house, down into the cellar. Openthe door, walk in the room, and immediately walkback out.

Walk out of the cellar and out thedoor you came in. If the coast is clear, run tothe exit and you are done.Go down to the side door and hide just to theright of the door. In a minute, a thug will comeout to urinate. When he does, sneak in the doorbehind him (use stealth mode). Run to thebasement stairs, wait until the grocery boystarts to go up the stairs, then run after him.When you get to the stairs, enter stealth modeand use Anesthetic on the thug by the kitchendoor. Then, run to the doorway that leads to thepool. Save the game at this point.

Check yourmap to see when the two men leave to urinate.When they do so, use the ladder. When you reachthe roof, go to the door facing the roof you areon. Once inside the office, go to the doordirectly across from the one that you are in.Stand in the doorway.

Take out your 9mm SD(first person view recommended for betteraiming). When the Don reaches his desk, shoothim in the head. Collect his room key, then draghim to the door where you first came in. Do nottake him all the way outside. Save the game atthis point. Check your map. When the two men bythe pool go inside (this takes a while), dragthe Don over the peak of the roof.

When the guysgo onto the balcony, they will not see him.Next, run to the edge of the roof and look tothe right. You will see a little ledge that runsalong the side of the building. Run along ituntil you are above the basement stairs. Dropdown into them. Then, go into the room whereVittorio is supposed to be at. Diana will sayhere bit. Check your map.

When the man by theside door where you first came in goes to chatwith his friend at the kitchen stairs, run forthe side door then on to the exit. You are nowdone with Silent Assassin rank. Note: If thethugs are alarmed at all, you will not get theranking.Start out on the hill. If you have a sniperrifle, turn about 45 degrees to the right andzoom in with it. You should see a man that isthe Don. You will notice him because he isswinging a golf club. Kill him, then go down thehill.

Hide behind the trees and snipe the twoguards at the gates. Go in and hide behindtrees. Snipe all the men that you can see. Gotowards the garage. Be careful as there are moremen out here.

Snipe them, then go to the dooralong the wall that leads to the pool. Climb theladder there and kill that target. Drop yoursniper rifle to a place where you will notforget it. Take a guard's clothes and get a 9mmout. Take the key from the guard that you justkilled.

Go in the house, to the Don's room.There is a small door leading to the outsidewhere the don was located. Take what he has andfollow the remainder of mission as instructed.Start by running to the door nearest to you.When the guard comes out to urinate, use theAnesthetic to knock him out and take his clothes(and gun if desired).

Then, go inside. Go to theright until you reach the stairs to thebasement, then go inside. Wait until only thecook is in the room above, then walk up thestairs and enter the door. Go through the doordirectly in front of you and close it onceoutside. There should be an opening to the leftof the door. Walk through it, making sure youhug the wall.

Once you reach the balcony of theDon's office, walk to the door on the right.Sneak while opening the door. Shoot the Don witha silenced weapon, take the keys and whateverelse, then walk through the ledge back. As youwalk on the ledge, the door to the basementshould be under you. Carefully drop, enter, dowhat you need to do, and simply walk out throughyour entry point to leave.As you start out, run down and stand out ofsight on the opposite side of the small wall tothe right of the door (that the one the manexits from to urinate).

When he does, sneak upand strangle him with the Fiber Wire. Drag hisbody through the door and drop it on the otherside. Take his clothes and gun. Go to the backof the garage and move north toward the villahouse. Walk past the kitchen door and go northto a door with the pool area on the other side.Look at the map screen, and wait for two guardsto walk to the northern field on the other sideof the door. You may have to wait a while, butthey will go there. You also may not see them atfirst, as they go inside.

Once the guards stopin the field, go through the door and run leftto the ladder leading to the roof. Climb it upand run across the roof. Then, go across a boardto the balcony. Do not go through the door onthe other side of the board. Instead, go aroundto the door on the other side of the balcony.Look through the keyhole and wait for the Don towalk into the room and stand facing in the otherdirection. If you see a message anytime beforethis point that states 'The Don has beenalarmed', there will be a man packing a shotgunon the other side of the door.


If this happens,restart the level and try to stay further awayfrom all the guards. When the Don walks in theroom, sneak up behind him and strangle him withthe Fiber Wire.

Take his keys and exit the roomthrough the door in the northeast corner. Moveeast across the roof, turn right, and walk alongthe edging of the building for a bit. Drop downto the grass just in front of the stairs leadingto the basement.

If you land on the stairs, youwill hurt yourself and perhaps die. Go down intothe basement, open the first door to the rightto release Vittorio. The room is empty. Dianatells you he was moved before you arrived.

Exitthe basement through the door you entered, thenrun to the door where the man whose clothes youstole is laying. If anyone sees you running andstarts shooting, ignore them and keep running.If you fire back, you will not get a SilentAssassin rank.

Exit the villa grounds throughthat door, then run to your right along the roadthrough which the postman enters at thebeginning. Exit to complete the mission. When the level starts, immediately run to thebrown boxes and wait for the guard to go up thelittle 'hill'. Run towards the water and stayalong it. Go into the sewer and look at yourmap. Find the way up the stairs.

When you getthere, do not go up the steps. There should befour walls that stick out. Find the one that isthe darkest and go through it. Then, go up theladder and head right into the room. Go left andkeep running to the next room.

The doctors willrun, but just keep going. When you cannot gothrough any more doors, look on the bed andchange into the clothes quickly. Go out the wayyou came from quickly and run. Some of the doorson your right have bathrooms.

Find the one thatdoes not have one. Walk out calmly and go to thesupply room. Get the door key then go to wherethe lady you are supposed to kill. When youarrive, there should be two people sitting down.Wait for the nurse to get up and talk to you.Follow her up the stairs and she will take youto the lady in the green. Wait for the nurse toleave and the lady in the green goes to thewindow.

While she is still talking, go up behindher and cut her throat or strangle her. Aftershe dies, drag her out the door and watch outfor any patients or innocents. Go straightacross the circle so the guards do not see you.Go to the door on the right and put her inside.Walk out calmly and go back all the way you camefrom. When you reach the end of the sewer whereyou first entered, watch out for any guards thatmay be present. When it is clear, run to yourmotorboat, still in your doctor's clothing.

You need to bring Anesthetic. Once you havestarted the level, go into the men's restroom.It is located on the left side of the map. Ifyou look closely on the sign near the door, itshould read 'Gentlemen'.

Once inside, wait inany stall except the last one until the deliveryboy enters to urinate. While he is doing so,sneak up behind and use your Anesthetic. Takehis clothes and drop all of your guns in adifferent stall. Keep your Fiber Wire.

Then, goto the food court. Go to the window and wait forthe delivery boy to give you a pizza. Once youhave it, go to the elevator while staying as faraway from the guards as much possible. Once youare down there, go to the second basement andpick the lock. Once you are down there, watchout for chips on the floor. The man at thecomputer will hear them. After you get past thechips, strangle the man with the Fiber Wire.Then, head back upstairs and return to thebathroom.

Clicker heroes 2 free no download. Change your clothes and hide in thestall with your guns. You must hide because onceyou get back up, the delivery boy should betelling the guards about someone taking hisclothes. Wait for the police to stop enteringthe bathroom. Once this happens, go into theplace with your stash. Go into it and get theSmoke Bomb. Then, go to the laundry room anddrop the bomb into the chute. Next, go outsidethe fire department and wait until all thefireman have exited.

Because of the Smoke Bomb,the fire alarm should have gone off. When theyare out, go in, change into the fireman outfit,and grab an ax. Then, run down the fire stairsand enter the office where the stairs are to getto your target. Once there, use the fire ax orthe gun in the cabinet to destroy the computer.Once that is done, go into the elevator. Start the level by running into the city andmove in a general direction to the left untilyou reach a building. On your map, this is thebottom right building with a silver icon.

Go inthere and a man will talk to you. After that,walk up behind him (there is no need to sneak),and use some Anesthetic on him. Take his clothesthen get out of the building. Then, go to yourmap. Note: This is very hard to describe indetail because the position of the agent isdifferent each time. Look for the small redweapon pick-up icon. Go in, and a man sitting ata chair will fire two shots in the air, but noone will be alerted.

After the intermissionsequence, look at your map and find the yellowicon that is stationary (another one will bemoving). The stationary icon will be somewherein one of the two main plaza areas. Wherever thestationary icon is, go into the storage thingunder it, and go up the stairs.

Sneak up on theman at the window and Fiber Wire him. Take hisSniper Rifle, and take out the other yellowicon. Then, take pictures of the two dead men.Take the pictures back to the agent, and followyour map to the exit.