Jersey Devil Ps1

Jersey Devil, or JD for short, is the hero of the Jersey Devil video game. When JD was a baby, he was found by Dr. Knarf's assistant, Dennis. Putting him in a cage, Dennis brought him to Dr. After locking Dennis in a cage, Dr. Knarf let JD hang from a hook on the wall as he went to get more supplies.

Crash Bandicoot fans will love Jersey Devil, a free-roaming 3D platform game with a lead character reminiscent of that wascally marsupial (think Crash with para-chute-like wings). Although not particularly innovative, Jersey's a cool character with an exciting, challenging debut title. In fact, the game's only notable flaws--like the troublesome camera angles--are actually intentional.

Jersey's crisp, colorful environments handily steal the eye-candy throne from fellow PlayStation 3D platformers, Croc and Rascal. The pastel/gothic look is edgier than in N64 fare like Mario or Banjo-Ka-zooie; in fact, the sets seem right out of a Scooby Doo cartoon. Electric, cartoony sound effects and surprisingly sweeping cinematic music complement the lush visuals perfectly, giving the A/V package an epic feel.

Jersey's highly responsive interface is easy to learn, and the rumbling Dual Shock controller works great, though it's a shame the right stick doesn't control the camera, a la Croc. Jersey's camera work, however, stumbles: In one scenario, for example, you jump across platforms with a boulder hot on your tail--but the camera locks in front of you, making it difficult to see where you need to jump or turn. Your success therefore relies on extremely frustrating trial-and-error memorization rather than on skill.

Jersey Devil is definitely the PlayStation's most ambitious 3D platform game released to date, even though its camera problems keep it from attaining the gaming stratosphere. Fans of Crash or Croc should pick up this title--but be prepared for some devilishly frustrating situations.


  • To do away with the boulders, just as they approach, jump on the very center of the floor to open a trap door.
  • In Dome Sweet Dome, de-f eat the crazy native and the spider, then open the door to see the wire holding this prison intact.
  • In the Bat Caves, the camera keeps you from seeing upcoming terrain, so beware of rolling boulders. If you see a suspended boulder, stand In the center of the platform to see ahead.
  • Dennis, at the end of the Museum mission, dodge until he smashes into the wall and is dizzy, then nail him with a quick strike.
Overall rating: 6

To prevent the world from being invaded by a mutant army of monsters and mutant vegetables by Doctor Kraft, Jersey Devil must collect individual items at various stages. In addition to finding things, Jersey also had to eliminate the enemies present along the way. Participating in the game, everyone can control the character with a third perspective and perform challenges in scenes in the 3D environment (allowing the character to move in different directions).Along the way of each stage, players will be faced with monsters, gaps or traps.

At that time, everyone can perform attacks (using punches) to knock down enemies, jump into the air to overcome the trap. In particular, people can fly in the air for a short time to overcome gaps with great distances.

Carp fishing simulator download free pc. Besides, Jersey is equipped with a vitality bar, and it is displayed at the top of the screen. Total annihilation trainer. Therefore, everyone must carefully observe the surroundings in the process of moving; each collision with traps or enemies will cause a portion of the life force to be removed.

To revitalise, everyone needs to collect yellow pumpkins.