Liberal Crime Squad

I've known about LCS for some time, but never carried a game very far at all. My main issue was the interface, and in general how information is organized in the layout. Its not that i don't know how to play, its just that its always been too much of a pain in the butt, and by the time i think of the idea of writing things down in a notebook to keep track of things or using a rolling txt doc for the same end, i become more frustrated with the nature of the 'ancient' GUI applied to a creative game concept that was too ahead of its time for the technology and drop the whole thing.This was true until i discovered something of interest.Someone with some actual ability addressed some of the issues i had with the interface.

Apparently, i wasn't alone in my desire to see this a 'real' game. In terms of game rules and everything else, its%99 accurate to the 'regular' game (version 4.07 keeping up with a number of additions added by the fan community over the years) as far as i can tell.By making it mouse and/or touch screen controllable and the addition of a GUI that makes it a bit easier at a glance, it was more feasible for me to really experience the game. An unfortunate drawback is that occasionally saves will become 'broken' in some fashion and not load, which i had to adapt to by making a backup copy of the.sav file after i'm certain it reloads as a fallback in case the next one does not. This problem was addressed somewhat, but the guy working on it moved on to other things before it could be completely fixed altogether. It is what it is, and this is still cool as hell in my opinion and it is otherwise very stable as far as i can tell.What i really want to get off my mind is my experience of actually playing a FULL game of LCS 'seriously'.First of all, I will admit to some cheating by way of small alterations to the XML files. I fixed it so both maximum and minimum juice was 1000, so every active member can instantly have a full six underlings, which was because its easier to keep track of squads if all its members are under one recruiter, and my misunderstanding of juice building methods.

This is the world of Liberal Crime Squad, the 2002 freeware game by Tarn Adams. The game positions you as the founder and leader of a group concerned with turning the United States away from the oppressive Conservative ideals that have swept the nation, and instead towards more Liberal government policies. Liberal Crime Squad is a satirical video game originally developed by Bay 12 Games (the authors of Dwarf Fortress) in 2002-2004 and currently supported by a community of open source developers. The game satirizes and exaggerates both sides of the political spectrum in many ways.

I didn't realize what an incredible handicap this actually is until i understood the game mechanics better.The other thing was: taking the day 1 save file and fixing it so all the laws, congress, senate, and supreme court are all arch-conservative, as well as rigging the public opinion and president approval to its most conservative end. This is mostly a handicap in favor of more challenge, BUT, this ended up providing some advantages.The big problem with doing this is the chance that the CSA proposal could end up passing and cut the game short. An advantage is access to Desert Eagles and chain guns from the department store. By exploiting the unlimited juice i had set up, it was an easy matter to set up a rather large number of guitar armed hippies street performing from the shelter. By leaving the guitar hippy army squadless and not ever moving any other members to the shelter, i had a 'set it and forget it' source of regular income to save up for chain guns and heavy armor for siege breaking.

Even if you're really kicking ass before the first election odds are a gun control referendum won't be on the ballot, and you can always willfully avoid actions that will raise the gun control opinion to buy more time to buy more guns as needed/wanted. When gun law is L+2 you can still buy Kalashnikovs and magnums via encounters in the crack-house, but, there is no possible source of ammo for chain guns or Eagles. While there is a small chance of the chain gun as army base loot, or an Eagle in the CEO safe, without ammo its pointless.

In my experience, by the time gun law has moved from c+2 to l+2 things have shifted more from battles and siege breaking to publishing sleeper intercepted documents and using disguise to avoid battles, so by late game the weapons i already had were more than enough.I also found that C+2 prison law had game advantages over L+2 prison law. If my imprisoned lib(s) had a high disguise, computer, or, stealth, there was a decent chance of prison escape at the end of the month, but when the prisons turned green, the results became an increase in wisdom or a decrease in juice (if i had not cheated so it can't go down), and it seemed implied that they are less likely to escape in future.This brings me to my realization of how appropriately named the game is. Resogun heroes expansion. The criminal records and crime management play such a vital role.

The 'community service' action only does so much even with really high persuasion skill, and characters will generate more and more heat after after a sortie the more charges they have in the wanted category of their criminal record.The only answer is what i nicknamed 'burning the squad', in which i remove their clothes and weapons and have them sell art. This results in them 'being accosted' within three days or so, and i choose to have them surrender to the police. After that, I avoid sorties at the courthouse or police station where i could 'accidentally' break them out where they will resume bringing excessive heat to the base with their wanted charges until they are tried. While there is a small chance they will get 'not guilty' if i got a good sleeper lawyer, it is most likely they will get a really long prison sentence or death sentence. This moves the charges from the wanted category to the guilty category. I'm not sure if this removes the heat effect of the charges altogether, but, it seems to, and at any rate reduces their heat penalty to a great degree.Thanks to exploiting the 'teaching others' action, i will have banked their gains in experience in 'house libs' sans criminal records that i can use to teach those skills into a new green squad. Unless the captured libs are under death sentence, they are sort of 'banked' until i decide to break them or they escape on their own.

This is until prison law goes L+2 then their wisdom continues to rise to more dangerous levels month by month.A 'problem' i encountered at the end was the victory condition. I wasn't sure what the victory condition was at first. I actually thought that when the pres, house, and senate were solidly green and all or most of the laws were green there would be a parody of the CSA proposition, where they would vote to make the country 'The Socialist Democracy of the Americas' or something like that and it would have to pass with the states same as the CSA proposition, but it wasn't triggering.mainly because that doesn't exist, but i didn't know.Things became pretty standard and monotonous as minimum effort was needed to maintain all the public opinions at elite lib level and wait for. Something to happen.The sleeper lawyer died and a new one had to be seduced by my post menopausal but apparently still very seductive founder. This is where i noticed how no one escaped from prison anymore but just got gradually more moderate in lock up. In head canon this kind of made sense plot wise.

When the prison was designed both to practice cruelty to appease the moral values of conservatism and to earn profit from forced labor and contracting, there was motivation to escape and no motivation to stop and reflect. When the prison is humane to inmates and the constant threats of a dangerous prison are absent, the libs get all emo. After all, after the 'goal' of progressiveness is mostly achieved, the internal narrative of justification as a 'rebel pushed to the edge given no choice by an oppressive system' no longer plays. You are just a person who killed a lot of people and stole a lot of stuff and easily swayed by a liberal establishment to stay put in jail forever as a form of atonement. I picture a lot of 'group discussion spaces'; rooms with folding chairs in a circle drinking coffee from Styrofoam (not those cups because the world is hyper liberal now) drinking free trade approved Trader Joe gourmet coffee from sustainable recycled material paper cups, and 'sharing feelings.I noticed the sleeper cop had become an octogenarian, and it brings up the question of how he is still a cop. I invented a couple of head canon possibilities.The town I used to live in had a police division called V.OI.C.E, which stood for.something.(volunteer, officer.something, something.??).

Anyway, the V.OI.C.E cops were always old grey haired guys, so i assumed this was a program for retired cops so they had something to keep them busy during the day with busy work, at most making parking tickets or calling in seen criminal activity to the real cops. I mean, these guys were always super old. I doubt any of them were dispatched to break up meth labs or anything like that.I ended up thinking he is like the old cop from Demolition Man. He hangs out at the station as a relic from a more action packed era having lived long enough to see things become so neutered that cops are no longer allowed guns or toilet paper. Having been trained in arch conservative law enforcement and being excessively elderly, he serves no useful purpose in active law enforcement or in mentoring. Since the labor laws are also elite liberal, he cannot be fired or forced into retirement given his tenure and just hangs out at the station as a sort of mascot. They had figured out he is smuggling records to the LCS for almost a decade by now but no one could be bothered to deal with the paperwork involved in officially reporting him.Even my 'new' squad once comprised of plucky teenage transients is approaching middle age.

I like this game and all, but i'm coming at a loss for things to do aside from passing days without action. What am i missing?A few sources synchronized on the same answer. E V E R Y T H I N G has to be elite liberal for the game to consider it a victory, including, at least five green (L+2) supreme court judges. Things is: at this point the same green presidential administration had been in power for years; via passing the torch to the VEEP after the second term and so on, but the new justices had always been blue (L+1).It could be a 'bug' of some kind, either because of graphical remake or just a happenstance of 'luck' that can happen in the game mechanics normally. Having really played the shit out of this, i saw a lot of places where the game has depth and lack depth and things that could be changed.

The most glaring involves this ending situation. Either a parody of the CSA proposition to break stalemate when the player has made things as liberal as possible by player agency and has demonstrated ability to maintain the status indefinitely,.

Some other kind of method or quest to directly effect the supreme court, such as: being able to kidnap and/or kill a SC judge to accelerate SC turnover rate. I kind of thought that something like that may have already been in the game since, SC judges have a generated body in the save file, but. So does the pres and cabinet. What i think it is is that any one with a name has to have a body just because of the nature of game design, and any entity with a name has to be a 'creature' whether or not they can be an encounter.It doesn't really matter, because by this point its fair to consider the game 'beat' and 'completed'. Its not like i would get paid for officially finishing a game, or even that there is any cut scene or fanfare for a victory.

Runestone keeper youtube. Contents.Unused Code Causing Trouble3.09 allowed selecting an amount of money used to cause trouble, up to $500/day. The latest version keeps the menu, but no longer gives access to it (making it a free activity.)Selecting a TopicFunction selectview in activate.cpp lets you choose which topic to write about in the Liberal Guardian. The section of code calling this function is commented out.Development-Related TextThe file getnames.cpp contains fallback text in the event some field gets corrupted:PurposeTextCharacter's daily activityReporting Bugs to the Dev TeamTitle for a given viewBuggy SoftwareShort view titlebugsLaw (overall position)Software BugsCrime nameFinding bugsCurrent monthBugtober / Bug.