Silent Storm Mods

Silent Storm Sentinels Redesigned Mar 12 2020 Released 2016 Turn Based Tactics. A solid unofficial update for the best turn based 3D tactical game ever made. Not overwhelmed with custom content, it stays close to the original content. Silent Storm Sentinels Redesigned Mar 12 2020 Released 2016 Turn Based Tactics. A solid unofficial update for the best turn based 3D tactical game ever made. Not overwhelmed with custom content, it stays close to the original content.

Welcome to, a site dedicated to discussing computer based role-playing games in a free and open fashion. We're less strict than other forums, but please.' This message is awaiting moderator approval': All new users must pass through our moderation queue before they will be able to post normally. Until your account has 'passed' your posts will only be visible to yourself (and moderators) until they are approved. Give us a week to get around to approving / deleting / ignoring your mundane opinion on crap before hassling us about it. Once you have passed the moderation period (think of it as a test), you will be able to post normally, just like all the other retards. So I'm starting another play-through of S^3, and while the encounter design is pretty good there are a few things that are really bothering me about the experience.-Grenades: Your squad doesn't seem to be able to throw them more than a few feet, and when they go off, most of them seem to be as effective as fireworks.-Guns: 5 pistol rounds to the head at point blank range won't kill a man?

Fuck you very much. A.303 round to the torso takes off a quarter of an enemy's HP and does nothing to incapacitate him? It's jarring going back to this after playing Hammer & Sickle.-Money & Squadmates: The game starts really well, but a few missions in you're pretty well on your own as far as funding and equipping your team. The missions are challenging, and don't really net much cash, which means you have to collect and sell every bit of loot from every mission. Fine, but that's not enough. The game basically has you run through at least a dozen trash encounters right off the bat in order to just barely fund putting a squad together.

Why does it do this? Didn't anybody notice that fishing for random encounters was pointless filler?Anyway, does anybody have experience with mods for S^3 they'd recommend? There seem to be a few hosted on Strategy Core, but I'm not sure which ones are junk. Also, is the uniform mod any good?

Kick it to power down the lightning barrier and jump down; you will meet up with Double H at this point. Beyond good and evil walkthrough. Once they are eliminated, climb up and have Double H disable the lightning barrier; Double H will tell you are approaching the central hall.Sneak past the three soldiers by going around the left side. Head down the mined corridor (disarming mines with your gyrodisk).After this corridor is a battle with animals that come out the side. Duck under them as they jump, and hit them once they land.

It seems like H&S picked up a lot of uniforms from there.

DarkAXI0M: Is it just me or do PKs kinda ruin the game? I enjoyed the game a lot until I got stuck in Switzerland fighting a horde of those things. Does anyone have any good hints for killing these things? Bazookas and Panzerschrecks don't do any damage. The only thing I've figured out is getting a good shot in with a sniper to try and make the rider bleed to death. PK's have always been the most controversial part of the game. Personally I can live with the sci-fi elements it's just the way they're handled that bothers me.

Like as you've noticed most rocket launchers don't affect them. It's like the developers were trying to force the player to use PK's or simply couldn't decide just how to handle them.As for killing them.1. Use PK's yourself. The PK sniper anti-tank rifles work the best as they damage the pilot.2. The PIAT damages PK's.3.

Heavy grenades damage PK's. The PWM is especially deadly with a high enough penetration it damages the pilot.4. 7.62x54R weapons damage PK's but aren't a very good option unless they're nice enough to stand around and let you shoot them all day. Maximum of 10 points a shot and you'll get a lot of richochet/evades. LCJr: As for killing them.1. Use PK's yourself.

The PK sniper anti-tank rifles work the best as they damage the pilot.2. The PIAT damages PK's.3. Heavy grenades damage PK's. The PWM is especially deadly with a high enough penetration it damages the pilot.4. 7.62x54R weapons damage PK's but aren't a very good option unless they're nice enough to stand around and let you shoot them all day.

Maximum of 10 points a shot and you'll get a lot of richochet/evades.Energy weapon PKs are devastating against other PKs and anything else, they pierce walls easy. If the pilot is accurate, the weapon is very accurate at long range.The handheld plasma 'beam launcher' is also effective against PK. They're very accurate as well. To get these, you could snipe the enemies that carry them.I found that machinegun, rocket, and sniper PKs are best suited against footsoldiers.As mentioned, PWM antitank heavy nade (and the 'RPG' heavy nade) works great indoors against PK. Outdoors, your best bet is to have them carried by high Sneak soldiers who can throw them from close range.Rocket launchers are generally terrible for long range fights, they miss. You need to get close to get acceptable accuracy and by that distance, the enemy PK would have gotten many chance to kill you.

Personally I used snipers to take down the pilots and steal their Panzerkleins. Also, you can acquire energy weapons on the same map you find/ght PKs the first time, which, if used well, can take them down quite quickly.And yes, you can outrun them quite easily.Actually, I've kinda got mixed feeling about PKs.

They kinda add some fun to the game - a new type of enemy, which, when first met, kinda breaks your established combat pattern and makes you think and develop a new tactic, which is good. But they can also make gameplay somewhat more dull and simple if used too much.No one forces you to PKs though, so play it the way you like it best =).