Stalker Meaning

You might joke about your neighborhood stalkerHarvest moon ds fishing rod upgrade. who always seems to know where you've been and what time you get home from work every day, but it can actually be a little creepy to know that someone's watching you.


Stalker meaning: 1. A person who illegally follows and watches someone, especially a woman, over a period of time. Cambridge Dictionary +Plus; My profile +Plus help; Log out; Dictionary. Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. English; Learner’s Dictionary.

A stalker can describe anyone who sneaks around, but it usually means a person who follows one specific individual obsessively. The word wasn't used this way until the early 1990s. Crowd city game pc. Before that, it was mostly used interchangeably with 'poacher' to mean 'someone who pursues and steals game animals.' The Old English word stelan lead to the English word steal, which is most likely the root of stalk.


Stalker is a 1979 science fiction art film directed by Andrei Tarkovsky, with a screenplay written by Boris and Arkady Strugatsky, loosely based on their novel Roadside Picnic. It depicts an expedition led by the Stalker to bring his two clients to a site known as the Zone, which has the supposed potential to fulfill a person's innermost desires.The title of the film, which is the same in Russian and English, is derived from the English word to stalk in the long-standing meaning of approaching furtively, much like a hunter. In the film a stalker is a professional guide to the zone, someone who crosses the border into the forbidden zone with a specific goal. The word was coined by the Strugatsky brothers for their novel Roadside Picnic, as an allusion to Rudyard Kipling's character Stalky from the 'Stalky & Co.' stories. Сталки was well remembered by the Strugatskys from their childhood, when they read the stories in their Russian translation. In the Roadside Picnic, сталкер was a common nickname for men engaged in the illegal trade of prospecting for and smuggling of alien artifacts from the mysterious and dangerous 'Zone'.