Brick Breaker 255

co dePlease put your code between these co de tags so it is formatted nicely./co deDo you have a variable to represent the paddle's position? If not, you'll need to make one.Looks like your 'Timer' function is where your game logic is supposed to go. So that's where you would check to see whether the user is pressing Left or Right keys to move the paddle. If they are, you would modify the variable for your paddle position.Then when you draw the paddle in your Display function, you draw the paddle at the position indicated by your position variable. So lines 125/126 are you drawing the paddle, right?You are drawing the paddle at a fixed position. You'll have to change that.

You need to create a variable to keep track of the paddle position. Then when you draw the paddle, you use that variable to determine where you should draw the paddle.Then in your Timer function (line 189), you do your game logic. You have the game take one 'step'.

Oh boy, this one is addictive! Bricks Breaker Puzzle is one of those that you cannot stop playing after installing. It get very tricky later on but no worries here we got a Bricks Breaker Puzzle walkthrough for every level with all three 3 stars.

You move all your in-game logic (ie, move the paddle, ball), and do your collision detection (see if the ball hit a brick, or if it hit the paddle, and respond appropriately).So in the timer function, you'd check the player input. See if they're pressing the Left or Right arrow keys (or whatever keys you want for input).

If they are pressing those keys. You adjust your paddle position variable.

Import pygame, random, timepygame. InitAqua =( 0, 255, 255)Black = ( 0, 0, 0)Blue =( 0, 0, 255)Fuchsia = ( 255, 0, 255)Gray = ( 128, 128, 128)Green = ( 0, 128, 0)Lime = ( 0, 255, 0)Maroon = ( 128, 0, 0)NavyBlue = ( 0, 0, 128)Olive =( 128, 128, 0)Purple =( 128, 0, 128)Red = ( 255, 0, 0)Silver =( 192, 192, 192)Teal =( 0, 128, 128)White = ( 255, 255, 255)Yellow =( 255, 255, 0)dw = 400dh = 400screen = pygame. Setmode( dw, dh)pygame. Setcaption( 'Brick Breaker')clock = pygame. Clockdef msg( txt, color, size, x, y):font = pygame. SysFont( 'bold', size)msgtxt = font.

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Render( txt, True, color)msgrect = msgtxt. Center = x, yscreen. Blit( msgtxt, msgrect)## pygame.display.flipclass Player( pygame. Sprite):def init( self, x, y):super. Image = pygame. Load( 'p1.png')self.

Image = pygame. Image, 70, 20)self. Setcolorkey( White)self. Vy = 0def update( self):keys = pygame. Getpressedif keys pygame. Vx = - 5if keys pygame.

Right = dw:self. Right = dwif self. Left = dw:if self. Randrange( - 3, - 1)self.

Tcollide = Falseelif self. Randrange( - 3, - 1)self. Vy = - 3self. Bcollide = Falseelif self. Randrange( - 3, 3)self. Vy = - 3self.

Bcollide = Trueelif self. Randrange( - 3, 3)self. Score += 1self. Tcollide = Trueself. Vyclass Walls( pygame. Sprite):def init( self, x, y):super. Image = pygame.

Surface( 40, 20)self. Mega man x zero. Fill( Green)self. X = x.

20self. Y = y.

20def intro:screen. Fill( White)msg( 'Brick Breaker', Red, 40, 200, 100)icon = pygame. Load( 'bimg1.png')icon = pygame. Scale( icon, 200, 150)screen. Blit( icon, 100, 130)wait = 1while wait:cur = pygame. Getposclick = pygame. Getpressedfor event in pygame.

Get:if event. Type pygame. Quitquitif 70 + 65 cur 0 70 and 320 + 40 cur 1 320:pygame.

Rect( screen, Blue, 70, 320, 65, 40 )if click 0 1:wait = 0else:pygame. Rect( screen, Aqua, 70, 320, 65, 40 )msg( 'Start', Red, 30, 100, 340)if 270 + 60 cur 0 270 and 320 + 40 cur 1 320:pygame.

Rect( screen, Blue, 270, 320, 60, 40)if click 0 1:pygame. Rect( screen, Aqua, 270, 320, 60, 40)msg( 'Exit', Red, 30, 300, 340)pygame. Flipdef pause:paused = Truescreen. Fill( White)msg( 'Paused', Red, 40, 200, 100)while paused:for event in pygame. Get:if event.

Type pygame. Quitquitif event. Type pygame.

KEYDOWN:if event. Key pygame.

KSPACE:paused = 0pygame. Flipclass Map:def init( self, mapfile):self. Mapfile = mapfileself. Mapdata =self.

Walls = pygame. Groupdef update( self):with open( self. Mapfile, 'r+') as f:for line in f:self. Append( line)for row, tiles in enumerate( self.

Mapdata):for col, tile in enumerate( tiles):if tile '1':self. W = Walls( col, row)self. Walls)running = Truestart = Truelevel = Falsegover = Falsewhile running:clock. Tick( 60)for event in pygame.

Get:if event. Type pygame. QUIT:running = Falseif event.

Type pygame. KEYDOWN:if event. Key pygame. KSPACE:pauseif start:introstart = Falseallsprites = pygame. Groupballs = pygame. Groupwalls = pygame.

Groupp = Player( 200, 350)allsprites. Add( p)c = Map( 'map1.txt')c. Updateb = Ball( p, c.

Add( b)allsprites. Add( b)if level:level = Falseallsprites = pygame. Groupballs = pygame.

Groupwalls = pygame. Groupp = Player( 200, 350)allsprites. Add( p)c = Map( 'map.txt')c. Updateb = Ball( p, c. Add( b)allsprites. Add( b)if gover:gover = Falseallsprites = pygame.

Groupballs = pygame. Groupwalls = pygame.

Groupp = Player( 200, 350)allsprites. Add( p)c = Map( 'map1.txt')c. Updateb = Ball( p, c.

Add( b)allsprites. Add( b)allsprites. Updateif len( c.

Sprites) = dh:screen. Fill( White)msg( 'Game Over!' , Red, 40, 200, 200)p. Walls)for event in pygame. Get:if event. Type pygame. Quitquitif event.

Type pygame. KEYDOWN:if event. Key pygame. KRETURN:gover = Trueallsprites. Draw( screen)b. Quitquit.Copy lines.Copy permalink.Go.