Echochrome Glasses

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Bought these as a birthday present for my husband. He likes them, and, taking a color-blindness test, they dropped him from extreme deutan without glasses to mild deutan with them (he was medium deutan when he wore my polarized sunglasses by accident). I do think it's worth noting that they came with a note offering $20 for good reviews, which feels a little dishonest and makes me skeptical of the high number of reviews that make them sound miraculous.

To be fair, they might work better for someone who was not so strongly deutan, but there's a chance some of the reviews are exaggerated in exchange for $20. Overall, worth a shot if you're red-green colorblind and want things to look more crisp and distinct and see a slightly improved range.

Nobody cried or anything. Worked exactly like they should. My husband is red/green color blind, green weakness, and these worked great for him. He sees red triaffic lights as orange, green traffic lights as white, skin is more yellow-not pink, orange lights on vehicles are very yellow, and fire is yellow and white to him.

He cried like a baby seeing our vacation photos, the color of the walls in our house, and the color of our red dogs. These glasses changed not only his life but mine as well. He has a wide head and these fit him well. We purchased ours on Amazon through Enchromas website. I am a mild deutan (red-green color deficient), and I purchased the medium tint version of these lenses. They work REALLY well in bright sunlight, and virtually not at all in normal indoor lighting. If the leaves just look brown and yellow in the fall, and what people call 'bright purple' just looks like a darker blue to you, and all the different shades of greens on a color swatch look exactly the same, these glasses will turn your commute into an adventure.

One thing to note is that it seems to take your brain about a few minutes to adjust to processing new colors when you put them on. So don't give up on them immediately.

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Go outside on a bright sunny day, and look at leaves, flowers, and road signs for a while. The change will seem subtle at first, and unmistakable. For decades I have lived with a double whammy - color blind and extremely near-sighted. For those in the know my dioptre numbers were -11.25 and -9.5 which is pretty bad. That was corrected in 1997 with Lasik surgery in Canada (the US, or at least Michigan, was not performing Lasik on eyes as bad a mine at that time). The surgery was an ah-hah moment which literally brought my wife to tears and a huge smile on my face the next day.

Fast forward to this week. I was extremely skeptical about these glasses but based on reviews thought it would be interesting to try. All I can say is my world has been rather bland. It is hard to describe to a non-color blind person what I see because I do see color but would confuse pink and gray, purple is.