Hero Siege Paladin Build

Build Concept. This build utilizes high attack speed and scaling lightning/elemental damage to get maximum benefit from Lightning Fury. Other skills contribute to the damage and survivability of the class, making it a solid league starter and great for mining. Builds for Paladin We provide you with easy to understand, but yet very detailed builds and guides of classes and all of their archetypes, so you easily can master your favorite class without putting much effort into it yourself. HSBuilds is an independent fansite for Hero Siege and is in no way associated with Panic Art Studios or its.


  • Changing HZ resets any level fixed
  • Added indicator to Grim Reapers scythe since some people think it doesnt die due to a bug
  • Fixed a dupe bug on controller
  • Fixed flaws in the trade system that cause duping
  • Fixed a castbar to Demon God's blood pool
  • Fixed a memory leak potentially causing slowdown
  • Fixed a bug with relics being refreshed when using TP to a dungeon and back


  • Added 1 new satanic charm
  • Added 3 new satanic chests
  • Added 2 new satanic amulets
  • Buffed Scarab Hands by 1000 Armor
  • Tee kaikista bosseista party pohjaisia
  • Nerfed Viking set Armor %
  • Fixed homing shots + multishot on marksman class set bow
  • Increased Bow weapon flight range a bit
  • Added Samurai item set


  • All paladin talent scaling increased from 32% to 45%
  • Buffed Lightning Fury damage scaling
  • Buffed Holy Hammer damage scaling
  • Buffed Holy Nova scaling


  • Improved Fire Nova art


  • Increased Charge length a bit

Marksman is a ranged class with the ablilty of being able to target a large amount of mobs at the same time, as well as being able to keep at a safe distance. The Marksman can be configured in such as way that they can focus on single target burst damage rather than AoE.

I have had a short guide video explaining the abilites that are best suited for the Marksman at early game, as well as how the marksman should be configured at 150+. As well as item considertion that should be implimented when building your marksman. Level 1:Critical Attack: Gives Marksman's attacks a chance to be a critical attack.Disengage: Marksman jumps backwards leaving.a burning trail behind. Scales with Strength (0.5 damage per Strength point). Base mana cost - 57 mana.Level 12: Multishot: Every 10 points add an additional arrow projectile, points inbetween add% chance to shoot it.Homing Rocket: Gives a chance that Marksman's attack becomes a homing rocket. Scales with Strength (0.5 damage per Strength point).Level 24: Multishot Turret: Builds a Multishot turret which attacks nearby enemies (Max: 4). Scales with Disengage (each point in Disengage adds 10 damage and 45 health).

Base mana cost - 249 mana.Level 36: Arrow Rampage: Summon an arrow rampage that flies across the screen destroying your enemies. Scales with Strength (0.5 damage per Strength point). Diner dash hometown hero free download.

Base mana cost - 326 mana.Landmine: Lays down a landmine which will explode when coming in contact with an enemy. Scales with Strength (0.5 damage per Strength point).

Base mana cost - 88 mana.Grenade Throw: Gives Marksman's attacks a chance to throw a gernade towards the point faced. Scales with Strength (0.5 damage per Strength point) and Landmine (every 15 additional points in Landmine adds a Grenade, max 3).Level 48: Agility: Agility gives you a chance of Damage + Movement Speed boost on Attack! And as for the talent distribution: I simply unlock critical attack, multishot and the turret with a single point and let the 'all talent' stats take care of it. I have a 180% chance of a crithit now at ilevel 4000. I just pour points into multishot, homing missiles, grenades and the rest into agility/landmine, as that's where the damage and utility are coming from.Stats are in my case stamina/armour focussed, as I have trouble staying alive in high wormholes, as getting a decent bow (high damage/attack speed and proper healing rate) is a pain. Strength is a 'nice to have' for me, as I'd rather stay alive to actually finish the job, than quickly kill a few enemies off, but get killed in the process. Minecraft pocket edition. Mh, I'm no fan of collosal arrow.

I find that at WH100+ it's sorely lacking in the healing departement. Whilst you do deal loads of damage to a single target, it's, well, a single target. So instead of healing with 6 arrows, you suddenly heal only with 1 arrow, decimating your life gain. I therefore NEVER use collosal arrow, get sad whenever I get an armour/helmet with it and just stash it to use on another character. Turrent master is rather cool, although they don't deal that much damage (except on the boss as then they have a single target), and landing power is fun to have, but not really worth keeping once you find something better.