Puzzle Quest 2 Forums

Bluevanduzen wrote:'Start a Fire'I am in Crye's Lab - part of the Dark Dwarven Laboratory. I am trying to get through a door but must first 'Start a Fire'.This is set up like the 'Search' type mini-game.

I don't understand how to play this. Any ideas - helpful hints?Thanks in advance!You click on something or somebody-Crye? A place on the floor? WHATever!-and it gives you the Challenge, which works like a combat, but not exactly.

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(Same concept as the fire you put out your very first pass through Verloren.)Nearly a Year Later: After you talk to Crye, which is AFTER you get through a door, not before, you have the 'Insurance Fraud' Quest. If you've right-clicked to accept it-and if you've left the 'Quest Helper' set to Yes in the Options Settings-a big silver question mark appears above a green circle on the floor. You click there, choose Start a Fire (rather than Cancel) and are offered the 'Challenge'!For me, see the answers (on the next page of this thread) for the Templar that SableEyez (or however s/he divides it) was playing.Edited on at 2:29:23 PM PST.

Have enough equipment and the right spells.Okay, that's excessively flip. But w/o even knowing what character CLASS you're playing, let alone what you've picked up in hit points, etc., I can't give you a significantly better answer!Oh, except: If you don't have enough gear, access to the right spells, or HP, you can always get more money and even level up by choosing Continue and Quick Battle (on your initial Hero screen after you Click to Begin) and picking an opponent. Everything you earn that way-gold, other treasure (salable for gold), and XP-carries over to the narrative.However, if you want to come back some time and say:What spells you're using.What gear you've got, including weapon(s).What HP/level you've reached.then just maybe I or somebody might be of help. But if you've gotten far enough to confront her, you really ought to be able to keep going.Edited on at 3:53:22 PM PST.

Another case solved valued vinyl. The client is looking for the person who bought the last copy of a unique vinyl. 'This case had musical undertones. Miss Mayday wanted me to find the person who bought the last copy of a particular long play, so she could buy it back.' There is one Bonus Case that can be found.