Shin Megami Tensei IV

Home » DLC, Europe, RPG, Update, USA » Shin Megami Tensei IV Shin Megami Tensei IV. Posted by 3DS Posted on August 16, 2019 with No comments. Shin Megami Tensei IV + Update + DLC (EUR/USA) Shin Megami Tensei IV + Update + DLC 3DS is a role-playing game Developed and Published by Atlus, Released on 16th July 2013. Shin Megami Tensei IV has it all: an exciting story with multiple paths and memorable characters, the most captivating cast of monsters this side of Kanto, fun, engaging combat, and a whole heap.

.: The Main Quests of SMT IV will progress the story. Pay close attention to the questions you are asked and the answers you give. These can affect the ending of the game.: Challenge Quests are basically Side Quests. You can complete these quests at K's Tavern or Hunter Associations to earn some extra Macca or unique items.

Some may even affect the ending of the game with choices.: These are small dungeons with a strong Demon at the end. Blade hunter gameplay game. Defeat them to gain the ability to fuse them, and earn a rare Valuable Item.

The Eastern Kingdom of Mikado is a city of the chosen, sitting on high and protected all around by towering walls. Yet its people are at risk from an ongoing demon threat that the player as a newly appointed Samurai are duty-bound to fight against. Throughout the player's journey, they must choose their own path. The choices will affect them, other NPCs, and the overall outcome of the story. Decisions players make throughout the course of the story will have lasting repercussions, as the fate of the world hangs in the balance.