Mario Party 3 Gamecube

Mario Party 3 Nintendo 64 game for sale, 100% original N64 cartridge with authentic label in collectible quality condition, free shipping, old school gaming 120. In 2003, Nintendo released Mario Party-e, which took advantage of the. Passable, looking not much better than an early GameCube game.

Party Rating(s).Mario Party 3 (also called MP3) is the third installment in the popular and the last game in the franchise to be released on the, as it would move to the for the next main four volumes. The game is centered around the Millennium Star, who replaces as the host. The most notable change is that players can now hold up to three items instead of just one.

The game includes 70 new minigames, as well as a feature unique to the Mario Party series: duel boards, on which two players fight each other using partners. The game is also the first game in the Mario Party series to have a solo mode story campaign. This is the first Mario Party game to feature a Story Mode and mini-games that could be unlocked and played anytime without purchasing them first, a system that has become standard and would continue to be used in future installments.

This is the last Mario Party game to feature multiple minigame tracks for when there is just one winner, multiple winners and a new record. Contents Story and objectiveFrom the Mario Party 3 instruction manual:A Star is Born: In the center of the vast universe, a remarkably bright star was born. It was the star that is born only once in a thousand years, the Millennium Star. According to the legend, whoever possessed the mystical star was destined to become the Superstar of the universe. However since the Millennium Star was but a newborn, it fell from the starry sky.Around that time, Mario and his friends were all happily relaxing when suddenly the Millennium Star came crashing down. Mario and his friends soon began arguing about who should keep the Millennium Star.Suddenly, the Millennium Star gave off a brilliantly bright flash of light. And with that bright flash, Mario and his friends were transported into a toy.Greetings.

Ragnarok battle offline mods. I am the Millennium Star. You must pass my test to prove yourself worthy of possessing me. You must journey across many lands and collect the Star Stamps. If you can collect all seven, I shall accept you as the top Superstar in the universe.Who will collect the seven Star Stamps and become the universe's top Superstar?Game and Story Mode introduction:In the center of the vast universe, a remarkably bright star was born.

It was the star that is born only once in a thousand years, the Millennium Star. According to the legend, whoever possessed the mystical star was destined to become the Superstar of the universe. However since the Millennium Star was but a newborn, it fell from the starry sky.Around that time, Mario and his friends were all happily relaxing when suddenly the Millennium Star came crashing down.

Mario and his friends soon began arguing about who should keep the Millennium Star.Seeing this, came flying in,dangling a toy box from his rod.That's right! They could play 'to see who the biggest Superstar was!Suddenly, the Millennium Star gave off a brilliantly bright flash of light. And with that bright flash, Mario and his friends were transported into a toy box!Greetings. I am the Millennium Star. You must pass my test to prove yourself worthy of possessing me. You must journey across many lands and collect the Star Stamps.

If you can collect all seven, I shall accept you as the top Superstar in the universe.In Battle Royale Mode, players have to get as many as possible. Stars can normally be obtained at a cost of 20.In Duel Mode, players have to defeat their opponent with their partners. Each player starts with five heart pieces.In Story Mode, a single player must battle their way towards the rank of Super Star.

To do so, they must fill their stamp card with Star Stamps. The Star Stamps are Wit, Kindness, Strength, Love, Courage, Beauty, and Mischief. The trend the game will follow is Battle Royale, Duel, Battle Royale, Duel; and this continues until the player's next objective is to earn the Beauty Star Stamp. At this point, the player plays a Duel against Daisy, followed by a final Battle Royale on Waluigi's Island.For the Millennium Star, his original plan was to have a straight run-through of seven (since there are seven Star Stamps) Battle Royale Boards. However, when the Millennium Star is about to stamp the player's stamp card, another character bursts from the castle, saying they deserve this. The two argue, and Millennium Star decides to go to a Duel Board.

The player wins (they must to continue) and the other character runs away in disappointment. After the stamp is received, the next Star Stamp is shown and another Battle Royale begins.When the Beauty Star Stamp is revealed though, Daisy makes a sudden appearance before a Battle Royale could even begin. The Millennium Star mentions it, however Daisy strikes a pose causing the Millennium Star to fall in love with her and offers her the Beauty Star Stamp. The player says it is not fair and the two argue. The Millennium Star regains consciousness and says they will go to to settle it.

Suddenly, Bowser appears and tries to take the stamp but Daisy swats him away in one blow. After the player defeats Daisy, she mopes and runs away. States Daisy said she has never lost, not even to her father. The player then receives the Beauty Star Stamp.The Mischief Star Stamp is then revealed, but then Bowser appears and unknowingly sends it flying into the castle, declaring the player must battle him to earn it. Everyone notices it is gone, and Waluigi comes out of the castle with the stamp trapped in a cage.

Waluigi and Bowser fight each other, but to everyone's surprise, Waluigi wins. He tells the player they will go to.

Bowser tells the player to avenge him for what happened. Although long time foes, the player silently agrees and chases after Waluigi. After the battle is over, Waluigi is pounding the floor in frustration yelling he won't forget what happened. The Millennium Star gives the player the Mischief Star Stamp.Despite winning all the stamps, the Millennium Star declares there is one person left the player must battle. The player is seen thinking hard of who could it be. Both the player and Tumble are surprised when the Millennium Star exclaims the player must defeat him in Stardust Battle to win.

When the player defeats him, they ask to be the greatest superstar in the universe (although ownership of the Millennium Star was the original offer). The Millennium Star startles everyone admitting he isn't the real Millennium Star and flies away in shame.

The player drops to the ground in disappointment, unable to believe it was all for nothing.Suddenly, Tumble begins glowing and his dice head opens to reveal a small white star. He explains he is the real Millennium Star, and was watching the player the whole time. After returning the castle and the grounds to its normal state, he promises the player he will make them the superstar of the universe. The credits roll.

In the final scene, set in front of the castle, Mario is lying on a folding chair, Luigi and Peach are talking to each other nearby, and Donkey Kong is sitting near the three just watching. In the back, Wario and Waluigi are apparently arguing, Daisy is sitting and watching the butterflies, and Yoshi is in the far back chasing a butterfly. The closing scene is a table with a box with the words 'Mario Party' on it. A die (the same color as Tumble's head) is thrown onto the table and the word 'END' appears on the lower right corner. Story Mode Stamps StampRequirementsWit StampClear, then defeat in.Kindness StampClear, then defeat in.Strength StampClear, then defeat in.Love StampClear, then defeat in.Courage StampClear, then defeat in.Beauty StampDefeat in.Mischief StampBeat in.CharactersThe game brings back the original six playable characters from the first two Mario Party games and introduces two new characters, Princess Daisy and Waluigi. However, they can only be playable in Party Mode and Mini-game mode.Playable. Mario.

Luigi. Peach. Yoshi. Wario. Donkey Kong. Daisy (Party Mode only). Waluigi (Party Mode only)Non-Playable.

Millennium Star. Toad. TumbleBattle Royale Maps BoardDifficultyDescriptionKoopa Bank LocationsLocked Door LocationsItem Shop LocationsBoo LocationChilly Waters1 starA snow-themed board with penguins and snowmen.

The main gimmick of the board is the icy paths in the center of the board, for two reasons: 1. At the end of every junction of this icy path is a slippery slope the characters must cross to advance. If they make it up the slope, they will continue through the board; if not, they will slip and their turn will end, regardless of how many moves they have left.

Whenever there are two or more people on the icy path, the ice will crack, and any player on the path will be sent to the path southeast of the center. As well as this, there is a giant snowman in the board's north that will allow the player to roll down a snowball for a 5 coin fee. Landing on a? Space will cause the same effects as paying the snowman, but on rare occasions, the snowman won't wake up and do anything.1. 5 spaces away from the starting location in the southeast.2. In the board's north, west of the giant snowman.1.

In the east junction of the icy fork. Leads to the eastern part of the board with Boo and contains a lone Chance Time Space.2.

In the northwest part of the board, west of the second bank. Leads back to the path from the west junction of the icy fork.1. In the board's southwest, west of the first bank.2. On the northwest junction of the icy fork, south of the second bank.In the board's east, east of the first locked door.Deep Bloober Sea1 starAn ocean-themed board with Bloopers and sharks. The north and south parts of the board are separated only by a fork in the board's west - whenever players pass this junction and choose the direction they want to go, Sushi the Shark will ask the player to push one of four buttons, one of which launches a torpedo. If the players press any of the three correct buttons, they will move on to the desired path - but if the player presses the button that launches the torpedo, they are flung to the opposite path. The multiple?

Spaces past the fork will cause a baby Blooper to yell for his mommy, who will take the players to the opposite part of the board. In the board's northwest, there is a giant angler fish. If anyone lands on the line of? Spaces near it, he will point at a direction, and if the player fails to mash the A button fast enough, they will be sucked in and shot to another part of the board.1.

3 spaces away from the starting location in the southeast.2. In the board's north, west of the Boo.1. In the board's south, entered through the south junction past Sushi. Leads back to the southwestern part of the board.2. In the board's north, just west of the second bank. Leads back to the north junction past Sushi.1.

In the board's south, west of the first bank.2. In the board's north, south of Boo.In the board's north, east of the second bank.Spiny Desert2 starsA desert-themed board with cacti and, but no. The main gimmick of the board is that there are two star spaces; however, one is a mirage. If anyone passes the fake one, the star will disappear (the, when called via, will always take the player to the correct star). Aside from that, there is also an interesting fork in the center of the board; the west junction will simply allow the player to move regularly, while to pass the south junction, the player must jump over two cacti to get to the southwestern part of the board - if they fail and touch one, they are flung to another part of the board.

There are also two sand pits, one in the north and one in the south, and landing on any? Spaces beside them will suck in the player and send them to the opposite sand pit.1. In the board's northwest, before (and west of) the northern sand pit.2. In the board's northeast, east of the northern sand pit.1. Near the starting location of the board, right of the first fork. Leads to the eastern part of the board leading to the second Item Shop.2.

In the board's northeast, past the northern sand pit. Leads to Boo and back down to the starting location.1. 2 spaces away from the starting location in the southeast.2. In the center of the board, east of the two cacti.In the northeastern part of the board, past the second locked door.Woody Woods2 starsA forest-themed board with,. The main gimmick of the board is the arrow signs - these signify which direction the players must go. These signs switch every turn, similar to the junctions in from the first game. Landing on the many?

Spaces throughout the board changes the direction. Spaces near Woody in the board's west will give the player a chance to get either 5 coins or an extra dice roll. Spaces near Evil Woody in the board's northwest act the exact opposite, taking away 5 coins from the player or sending them backwards.1. In the board's west, west of Woody.2. In the board's east, south of the second Item Shop and north of the starting location.1. In the southeastern part of the board, east of the first Item Shop.

Leads back to the north junction of the first fork.2. In the board's north, west of Boo. Leads back to the north path east of the first bank.1.

2 spaces away past the first fork that is four spaces away from the starting location, in the board's southeast.2. In the northeastern part of the board, east of the Boo.1.

In the board's north, west of the second Item Shop and east of the second locked door.Creepy Cavern3 starsA cavern-themed board with spiders and Whomps. This board has two main gimmicks.

The first one is the in the center of the board. He is seen lying down and blocking one of two paths, and will only move if the player gives up a certain item. Landing on any? Spaces near him will make him flip over and block the opposite path.

The other gimmick is the Thwomps on both sides of the boards, as the west and east sides of the board are separated from each other, and for 5 coins, the players can ride on a vehicle that leads to the other side of the board. Spaces on the two train tracks activate the same vehicle and will chase down the player to the other side of the board.

Aside from this, the only other way to cross from the east to west (and vice versa) is via locked doors.1. 3 spaces away from the starting location in the southeast.2. In the board's northeast, west of the second locked door.1. In the southern part of the board, west of the first bank. Leads from the east to west side of the board.2. In the northern part of the board, east of the second bank. Leads from the west to east side of the board.1.

In the board's east, north of the starting location.2. In the board's west, south of the second bank.In the board's west, south of the Whomp King.Waluigi's Island3 starsAn island-themed board owned by Waluigi, containing in cranes.

This board has many gimmicks applying to it. The first gimmick is the island west of the starting location. This section of the board has numerous? Spaces and dynamite in the center - everytime the players land on an?

Space located here, the counter, starting at 5, goes down by 1. Once it reaches 0, the dynamite will explode, and any player caught in the blast will lose all their coins. The second gimmick is the gear in the center of the board. Crossing into here activates a roulette that will choose the direction the player will go (the roulette itself will occasionally go faster). The third gimmick is the fork in the northeastern part of the board west of Boo.

Any player who crosses here must choose one of two paths, one of whom is booby-trapped. If the players pick the safe route, they move on to Boo, but if they picked the booby-trapped path, they will be sent back to into the green pipe just north of the starting location. The fourth gimmick is the numerous red pipes spread across the board. All of these pipes lead back to the aforementioned green pipe. Finally, the fifth gimmick is the oval-shaped island in the board's northwest.

Every turn, all the spaces on this island, except the lone Bank Space in the southern part of the island, will change into different spaces. This means that the island can be made up of Chance Time spaces or even Game Guy spaces! Even though this board belongs to Waluigi, if the players look, they will see numerous references, implying that the board once belonged to Luigi before Waluigi took over.

This board is unlocked once the player beats Story Mode.1. In the board's east, south of Boo.2. In the southern part of the oval-shaped island in the northwest.1. In the board's east, south of the first bank.

Leads back to the starting location, as an alternate route instead of the green pipe.2. In the board's southwest, west of the dynamite island. Leading back up to the main path in a circle, this path can be used to avoid the dynamite island.1. Just 1 space away from the starting location in the southeast.2. In the board's north, west of Boo.In the northeastern part of the board, east of the second Item Shop and north of the second bank.Duel Maps BoardDescriptionStory Mode OpponentA fairly short square-shaped board. The main gimmick is the junction in the middle of the board. For 5 coins, the player can pass from either the north or south of the junction as a shortcut.Wario/LuigiAnother fairly short square-shaped board.

The main gimmick is the junctions in the center of the board, which can lead the player to either sides of the board.Yoshi/LuigiAn odd-shaped board for Duel Mode. The main gimmick are the pipes on all four corners of the boards, which, when used, warp the player through another, random pipe. This can be either an advantage or disadvantage.Donkey Kong/LuigiA short square-shaped board with junctions in the center of each side/area. The main gimmick is the big fan in the center board - when crossed, the fan will blow the players into the air, switching partner locations.Peach/LuigiA slightly square-shaped board. The main gimmick is the conveyor belt in the board's south - every turn, the conveyor belt will change directions (this conveyor belt leads to both player's starting locations). There are also junctions on the both sides of the board that lead back to southern part of the board, giving the player more time to plan their moves.Mario/LuigiA star-shaped board.

The main gimmick are the 5 Reverse Spaces on all 5 edges of the star-shaped board. Whenever these spaces are landed on, they will reverse the direction the duelists must travel, and will also change the positions of the partners, not unlike the effects of a. This board is unlocked once the player beats Story Mode. Since Daisy is not playable in Story Mode, Luigi can never be dueled here in Story Mode.DaisyItems. (new).

(new). (new). (new).

(new). (new). (new)Rare Items. (new).

(new). (new). (new)Mini-games. Main article: Mini-game Music MusicPlays in4-player1 vs.

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Mario Party 3

Developers: Hudson Soft, CAProduction, A.I
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo 64
Released in JP: December 7, 2000
Released in US: May 7, 2001
Released in EU: November 9, 2001
Released in AU: September 3, 2001

This game has unused graphics.
This game has unused models.
This game has unused sounds.
This game has unused text.
This game has debugging material.
This game has regional differences.

Mario Party 3 is the last Mario Party game released on the Nintendo 64. If you've played the previous two, you should know what to expect, though having a high M.P.I.Q. is recommended.

  • 1Debugging Features
    • 1.1Debug Menu
  • 4Unused Graphics
  • 5Unused Models
  • 9Regional Differences

Debugging Features

Debug Menu

Debug Menu Listing
A complete listing of what is accessible from these two menus, and even some regional differences!
VersionGameshark code
JapanD10C1B3C 0020
810C39A2 007F
D10C1B3C 0010
810C39A2 0000
USAD10CC3F4 0020
810CE202 007F
D10CC3F4 0010
810CE202 0000
EuropeD10CD8FC 0020
810CE082 0080
D10CD8FC 0010
810CE082 0000

The game has two separate debug menus, both with different entries. Use the appropriate code for your region and either hold L for the first menu, or R for the second. Functionally, they are largely the same as the debug menus in the first two Mario Party games. Since the menu so closely resembles the one used in Mario Party, including the background with the 'missing' Donkey Kong render, it is likely that they either re-used the debug routines, or simply used the same engine for the first three Mario Party games.

This large list contains all of the games Mini-Games, and then some. Selecting a Mini-Game with A goes to the character select screen. Press Left/Right to choose your character, A to confirm your character, and Start to start the mini-game. Pressing the R button changes the game mode between GAME, BOARD, and DUEL. Some entries will only work with certain game modes.

Pressing Z opens an options menu, where you can set the following player options:

  • PAD#: Toggle between a human or computer-controlled player
  • GRP : Change the teams to be used in 2-vs-2 or 1-vs-3 Mini-Games
  • DIF : Change CPU difficulty for the player
  • COIN: Change the current number of Coins the player has, up to 999
  • PADN: Pad number; choose the controller port the player is controlled with (starting with 0)

Though MAP is also an option, it does not seem to change.

From this menu, the following debugging tools can be accessed.

Character Animation Test

VersionGameshark code
Japan810C39A2 0056
USA810CE202 0056
Europe810CE082 0056

Selecting 300*MCHAR on the first debug menu sends the player to an animation test menu for each of the playable characters. To exit this screen, hold the L and R buttons.

The controls in this menu are:

  • Direction Pad - Moves the model around the screen
  • Analog Stick - Rotates the model
  • L and R triggers - Shrinks and enlarges the model
  • B and A - Decreases and increases the motion no., changing the animation
  • C-Up - Switch between the high-poly and low-poly versions of any character model
  • C-Left and C-Right - Switch between the various characters
  • Start - Reset the model position and toggle the debugging text on and off

Message Check

VersionGameshark code
Japan810C39A2 0076
USA810CE202 0076
Europe810CE082 0076

A screen that can display all the text in the game is selectable from the second menu in the American and European versions, labeled ***:MESS. In the Japanese version, this menu will first display all of the screen transition animations and also features all six of the playable characters minus Daisy and Waluigi.

A, B, L, and R all cycle through the text. C-Up and C-Down change what event's text is shown.

Save Data Debug

VersionGameshark code
JapanD10C1B3C 2000
810C39A2 0059
USAD10CC3F4 2000
810CE202 0059
EuropeD10CD8FC 2000
810CE082 0059

This menu doesn't appear in either debug menu and must be loaded directly. Use the above scene modifier for your region and hold Z during a transition to arrive on this screen. This allows the player to alter the games save data.

Here, the player has the following options:

  • ALL MINIGAME ENABLE - Selecting this unlocks all Mini-Games in the Mini-Game Room.
  • WLUIGI & DAISY ENABLE - Selecting this unlocks Waluigi and Daisy if they are not already (see below).
  • STORY NO. - Changes how much of Story Mode the player has completed.
  • STORY HERO - Changes the character the player is using in Story Mode; Daisy and Waluigi aren't available.
  • STORY DIFF - Changes the Story Mode difficulty.
  • WLUIGILAND & REVKUNMAP ENABLE - Selecting this unlocks the hidden boards Waluigi's Island and Backtrack.

Press A to confirm the changes. The player can also press the R trigger to show position information similar to that of the model viewer, though as no models appear on-screen here, changing the position with the controller does nothing.

Memory Usage Infobox

VersionGameshark code
Japan81048430 2400
USA81048540 2400
Europe81048580 2400

This box appears yet again, unchanged from the second game.

TV Safe Zone Frame

The GameShark Code below will draw a frame around the screen specifying the portion of the screen safe to use for UI elements. The frame starts 24 pixels from the left side and 16 pixels from the top side of the screen. The frame is 272 pixels wide and 208 pixels tall.

VersionGameshark code
Japan8104E1B0 3000
USA8104E310 3000
Europe8104E350 3000

Debug Pause Menu

An earlier version of the minigame pause menu exists hidden in the code but never called. Using this GameShark code with the US version will replace the actual minigame pause menu with the earlier debug pause menu. It however may not work on some emulators. This menu also exists in Mario Party 1 and 2.

CANCEL unpauses the game. RESET ends the minigame in a draw. LIGHT allows you to edit the lighting and fog using the C Buttons. INFO toggles the memory usage infobox (see above). MUSSTP stops all music. SE STP stops all sound effects.

VersionGameshark code
USA810499FC 0C01
810499FE 23BA
81049A00 0240
81049A02 2021
81049A04 0801
81049A06 27DE
81049A08 2400

Locked Waluigi and Daisy

Normally, Waluigi and Daisy are available as playable characters at the start. However, if the game is forced into the menu with an uninitialized save, Waluigi and Daisy will be unselectable during game setup, being represented by an otherwise unused question mark texture. Activating Gameshark code before the game is started will force the player to the setup screen, bypassing file selection. From this state, entering the Debug Settings Menu and enabling the characters will make them appear normally.

VersionGameshark code
Japan800C39A3 0078
USA800CE203 0078
Europe800CE083 0079

Interestingly, the back of the box alludes to this, reading 'You can even unlock new characters in the one-player challenge.'

Leftover Devkit Checking Code

To do:
Check what happens if the 1st or 3rd devkit checks pass.

English Mario Party 3 versions still check for devkits at startup. It first checks for KMC at 0xBFF00000 twice which is used in Partner N64 devkits. After that, it checks for the IS64 string if it fails which is the Intelligent Systems Viewer 64 devkit. It's unknown whether the game actually prints anything to the IS Viewer or the Partner N64 Devkits. Nemu64 will complain about reading from these areas and crashes the game soon after boot when checking for the IS64 devkit. If the second check for KMC passes, the game crashes due to a jump to an invalid address.

(Source: PartyPlanner64 (MP3 Debuggers))

Unused Graphics

Unused MP2 Language Select Graphics

These graphics are unused in all versions and were used in Mario Party 2. Only graphics remain of this screen.

Unused Story Mode Ratings

Icons meant to represent scores for games in Story Mode. In the final game, the lowest rating the player can receive is C.

Early Waluigi and Daisy Icons

These two icons can be found near the used ones. They don't quite match the art style of the others.

Hidden Character Icon

The icon used for unlockable characters, of which there normally are none.

Now Printing

A placeholder Mini-Game icon similar to the one in Mario Party. This can be seen by forcing the game to load Chance Time as a regular Mini-Game by using Gameshark code.

VersionGameshark code
USA800CD068 0041

Stacked Deck

An early, square version of the Toad card used in this game.

Koopa Transition Screen

Along with the other character images used for transitions is this picture of a Koopa. Since Koopa doesn't host any Mini-Games in this title, it goes unused, besides being in the Japanese message check. It matches the image of a Koopa used in the backdrop of duel maps.


A map icon for a Snufit, likely intended to be a partner in Duel Mode. Its model still exists too.

Peach Leftovers

A set of Peach's faces from Mario Party 2's Mini-Game Look Away exist in the graphics bank used for Daisy's textures as a result of most of her data being copied from Mario Party 2's Peach.

Picker Item

An updated graphic for the unused Picker item from Mario Party 2.

Mario Icon

A small icon of Mario.

Mario Party Leftovers

The position graphics.

The Bowser/Star Block from Bowser's Magma Mountain.

One of the early Star Block graphics for Bowser's Magma Mountain.

The Mushroom/Poison Mushroom Block.

Mario Party 2 Leftovers

The Bullet Bill and VS graphics that appeared before the minigame roulette.

Unused Models

Early Waluigi

An early version of Waluigi's model, with different proportions and a lighter texture.


A Snufit that was likely intended to be a partner in Duel Mode.

Test Map

The model for the test map from the first Mario Party. It's unknown if it can still be accessed in-game in Mario Party 3.


An unused slide present in the same directory as the test map.

Test Blocks

The numbered blocks left over from the first Mario Party.

Test Objects

Unused objects left over from the first Mario Party.

Unused Sound

This test tune is once again the first song in the ROM, though it sounds slightly different compared to the first two games.

No Game

Yellow Player Panels can be found as a still-unused holdover from the first two games. They function like they did in Mario Party 2, ending the turn with no Mini-Game, but continuing the game past its normal length on the last turn.

The following Gameshark code can be used to force each player to this state:

VersionGameshark code
Japan800C68C4 0003
800C68FC 0003
800C6934 0003
800C696C 0003
USA800D1124 0003
800D115C 0003
800D1194 0003
800D11CC 0003
Europe800D0FA4 0003
800D0FDC 0003
800D1014 0003
800D104C 0003

99 Stars Message

If you somehow manage to get 99 Stars in one game, when you meet the Millennium Star, he'll tell you that you can not have any more Stars. Although the message isn't unused, it's very unlikely that anyone has ever seen it without cheats.

Regional Differences

Title Screen

  • The game's logo was redesigned in the international versions and both copyrights were merged together.


  • In the European/Australian version, the music is in a different key.
  • In the European/Australian version, the time limit for the mini-games Baby Bowser Broadside and Puddle Paddle is 20 seconds, as opposed to the 30 seconds of the Japanese and US versions. However, they have roughly the same real-time length.
  • In the international versions, Donkey Kong's start plate is 'DK START'. In the Japanese version, it is 'DONKEY START' instead.
  • After failing an item mini-game, the announcer says 'Miss!'' in the Japanese version and 'Game over!' in international versions, with the graphics altered accordingly. However, the clip itself is still in the game and can be heard via the voice test option in the Sound Room.
The Mario series
NES/FDSSuper Mario Bros. • Super Mario Bros. 2 (FDS) • Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES) (Prototype; Doki Doki Panic) • Super Mario Bros. 3
SNESSuper Mario World • Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island • Super Mario All-Stars
SatellaviewBS Super Mario USA • BS Super Mario Collection
Nintendo 64Super Mario 64 (64DD Version)
GameCubeSuper Mario Sunshine (Demo)
WiiSuper Mario Galaxy • Super Mario Galaxy 2 • New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Wii UNew Super Mario Bros. U • New Super Luigi U • Super Mario 3D World • Super Mario Maker
Game Boy (Color)Super Mario Land • Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins • Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 • Super Mario Bros. Deluxe
Game Boy AdvanceSuper Mario Advance • Super Mario Advance 2 • Super Mario Advance 3 • Super Mario Advance 4
Nintendo DSNew Super Mario Bros. • Super Mario 64 DS
Nintendo 3DSSuper Mario 3D Land (Demo) • New Super Mario Bros. 2 • Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS
Nintendo SwitchSuper Mario Odyssey • New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe • Super Mario Maker 2
iOS/AndroidSuper Mario Run
Mario Kart
Console GamesSuper Mario Kart • Mario Kart 64 • Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (Demos) • Mario Kart Wii (Channel) • Mario Kart 8 • Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Handheld GamesMario Kart: Super Circuit • Mario Kart DS (Demos) • Mario Kart 7
Arcade GamesMario Kart Arcade GP • Mario Kart Arcade GP 2 • Mario Kart Arcade GP DX
Mario RPGs
Super Mario RPGLegend of the Seven Stars
Paper MarioPaper Mario • The Thousand-Year Door (Paper Mario 2 Demo) • Super Paper Mario • Sticker Star • Color Splash
Mario & LuigiSuperstar Saga • Partners in Time • Bowser's Inside Story • Dream Team • Paper Jam • Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minions • Bowser's Inside Story + Bowser Jr.'s Journey
Mario Party
Console GamesMario Party • Mario Party 2 • Mario Party 3 • Mario Party 4 (Demo) • Mario Party 5 (Demo) • Mario Party 6 (Demo) • Mario Party 7 • Mario Party 8 • Mario Party 9 • Mario Party 10 • Super Mario Party
Handheld GamesMario Party Advance • Mario Party DS
Mario Sports
Console GamesBS Excitebike Bunbun Mario Battle Stadium • Mario Golf • Mario Tennis • Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour • Mario Power Tennis • Mario Superstar Baseball (Mario Baseball Demo) • Super Mario Strikers (Demo) • Mario Strikers Charged • Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (Beijing 2008, London 2012) • Mario Sports Mix • Mario Tennis Aces
Handheld GamesMario's Tennis (Virtual Boy) • Mario Golf • Mario Tennis (GBC) • Mario Tennis: Power Tour • Mario Golf: Advance Tour • Mobile Golf • Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (Beijing 2008)
Web GamesMario Tennis: Power Tour - Bicep Pump
Arcade GamesDonkey Kong • Donkey Kong Jr. • Mario Bros. • Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., Mario Bros. • Mario Roulette
Computer GamesDonkey Kong (Atari 8-bit family) • Mario is Missing! (DOS) • Mario Teaches Typing (DOS) • Mario's Early Years (DOS) • Mario's Game Gallery (Mac OS Classic)
Console GamesDonkey Kong (NES) • Donkey Kong Jr. (NES) • Mario Bros. (NES) • Wrecking Crew • Dr. Mario (NES) (Prototypes) • Mario Paint (Prototype) • Mario & Wario • Tetris & Dr. Mario • Undake 30: Same Game Mario Version • Mario's Super Picross • Wrecking Crew '98 • Mario is Missing! (NES, SNES) • Mario's Time Machine (NES, SNES) • Mario's Early Years: Fun With Letters • Yoshi's Safari • Hotel Mario • Super Mario's Wacky Worlds • Mario no Photopi • Mario Artist Paint Studio • Mario Artist Talent Studio • Mario Artist Communication Kit • Dr. Mario 64 • Luigi's Mansion • Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix • Fortune Street • Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Wii U, Switch) • Mini Mario & Friends amiibo Challenge • Dr. Luigi • Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle • Luigi's Mansion 3
Handheld GamesDr. Mario • Donkey Kong • Mario's Picross • Picross 2 • Jaguar Mishin Sashi Senyou Soft: Mario Family • Mario Pinball Land • Mario vs. Donkey Kong (Demo) • Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis (Demo) • Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again! • Super Princess Peach • Dr. Mario & Puzzle League • Mario Bros. Classic • Luigi's Mansion (Nintendo 3DS) • Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon • Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Nintendo 3DS) • Photos with Mario • Dr. Mario World
Web GamesDr. Mario: Vitamin Toss
See also
Yoshi • Donkey Kong • Wario
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