Pinball Fx3 Backglass Videos

I have started creating some new backglasses for some of the tables on my cabinet (3 monitor) that go far beyond twinkling lights. Most of these are created/animated from the original artists offerings whose talents and work I highly respect and hope they would like my animated interpretations of their still graphic work. Some will be completely new creations while most will be re-creations from the original artwork. Purists might not approve or like what I am doing, and that's ok, I feel ya. Just know what I do with their art is a huge message that what they created was awesome and I will try to do my enhancements to hold true to the original concept.

Just in motion.Please note that these are all work-in-progress with some far more along than others.These are all 1920x1080, no audio, and when finished, will be:30sec long and loop seamlessly. I will also create a new static image from the finished animations to use as a static backglass for those softwares that cannot use video assets 'in-game' like Pinball FX3. For those setups, these animations are still very useable in the front end and work awesome as 'attract mode visuals' while on the front end selector.Always welcome feedback either way and cool ideas/suggestions. Here's an example for a KISS backglass I'm tinkering with as well for when I can finally find and install a 2015 Stern KISS table for my cabinet. Cough cough help cough cough.- This one is what really started my craze for animating my cabs backglasses.

This piece I created from scratch from a single pic of the band and was used for marketing their 2019 show here in K.C. What's seen here now is a quick cut up to remove the other elements (dates, times, location) for the purpose of what it will look like. (the 'explosion to the screen' will be gone for sure.) Timing of all the other elements will be altered. More pyros bursts. More cowbell. Starting to come together.

PuP-Packs: (Pinup Player Packs)are an active video Backglass that is run by Pinup Player and can be used with (and controlled by) Pinball Emulators. The videos and media can be played on many screens at the same time. Pinup Popper: an awesome front-end that “makes use of” Pinup Player, designed orignally for virtual pinball cabinets with.

There's still a LOT of work I want to do.Here's what I've added since the last updated video:- Trolls w/ blinking eyes w/ basic jittery movement, blowin smoke and shakin the spear at ya!- Dragon's fire breath revealing castle tower damage and destruction!- Knight hanging on the Dragon's tail being all stabby. Tastes like chicken.- Wizard casting spells. Never knew why he's facing away from the action though. Pffft.- The Kings sword ignites when touching the flame in the logo.- Castle gate opens/closes.- Fixed some clipping issues with the Dragons belly when taking a deep breath as well as some wing issues I'm still working on.


Pffft.- and added a scrolling night sky with a moon. For a cow to eventually jump over.- I haven't forgotten about that UFO either.Still. Maybe 50% complete! Always love to hear input good or bad. To clarify something.

Are these actual directb2s backglass files? Or looping mp4 files for frontend to display for backglass? Either way, they look great, just wondering.These are NOT b2s files with any sort of interactivity. Just looping h.264/mp4 files for either the front end selection for like Pinball FX3 or they can run seamlessly during in-game play on Pinball X tables. (which is VERY cool looking while watching friends play and waiting for my turn). One day I'll look into b2s stuff to see if there's a chance in hell I could ever attempt to program for them. I'll admit, the possibilities are very cool indeed.

But I also do foresee problems going that route, especially with the seamless looping nature of them. I don't see how I could pull that off when different actions are triggered that reset the loop. Something is going to jump. To address that, I would think I would have to build these with a static background with only a few foreground elements triggered for a quick animation.

But I think most would be lost during gameplay where your attention is focused on the playfield. Not at the backglass for a couple of seconds of animation. The more I think about it. I think I like them more as just a single cool looping video. At least for the very complex ones like Medieval Madness and Champion Pub where there's a ton of things going on in it. I could see Back to the Future as a b2s where an event triggers the Delorian's door to raise and close, and the fire behind the tires ignite from a flameless street.

Little stuff like that maybe. Where can I find some good basic info on how to program for b2s? I'm sure here somewhere, I'll try to read up on it and see if that sparks anything inside me or under me. It has come to my attention that what I am doing here, by animating these backglasses, I am opening myself up to possible copyright and intellectual properties infringement. If I were to share these for download. While I may do this for my personal machine, once I share them, I would be disassembling and distributing a copy-protected piece of work.While I haven't received a cease and desist notification, I am now wondering if my hobby could harm me. Not sure what to do.

Any history that addresses this issue here?I obviously am not attempting to resell these in any manner, so I would think there is no harm to the license holder or original artist. But I'm not an attorney. I don't think you get into trouble with these. I'm having hard time seeing that this is anything else than fan related and if you are not charging money for you work.I think the issue here would be that I would be altering a piece of copyrighted work and then redistributing it without permission. Now since I am not profiting from it, no financial harm would be done to the license holder.

I'm sure an intellectual properties attorney would have an easy case and figure out some ridiculous amount of damages for their client by me doing so. I do think I would be safe doing what I'm currently doing by sharing my progress of work that I'm doing for MY machine.

That would be simply a fan altering their own copy for their own private use. It's the uploading of the piece, specifically for others to freely download, is where it could get tricky. I would think that at the moment I would be ok since I am sharing my personal work 'to view' via YouTube which doesn't allow for the download of the video, just sharing of the URL to view. Also, this is different than those sharing files from across the web of the original artwork(s) or animated versions of it that simply have lights flashing replicating the original artwork in use on a physical pinball machine. By doing that, you're just simulating what the original artwork looks like in its intended physical use.

I'm not doing that at all, hence the disassemble aspect. Of course this all predicates on the original property owner and their feelings on what I'm doing with their artwork.

A negative version of the Spirit Bomb used by. Bomb hero 2. A more powerful version of the Spirit Bomb that is utilizable in. Also used by base Goku (DBZ/DBGT/DBS Eras),. The final and most powerful version of the Spirit Bomb.Beat and his allies prepare a God Sphere. EX Spirit Bomb - A type of CAA ability in that allows its user to launch a EX Spirit Bomb at the opposing team using energy provided by their teammates who join the user in throwing it once it is complete.