Train Simulator 2016 Requirements

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Who knows?Look at it this way. The official hw reqs. Are the same since at least TS2013 - yet, as many of us witnessed firsthand, TS2015 has significantly higher hw reqs than TS2014 had.Personally, I really think that it is a high time for DTG to rewrite hw requirements for this title and make them higher to reflect the latest development (I do not wish to insult anyone, but official hw reqs. Were obviously written by someone, who had absolutely no clue about modern hardware and about the real requirements of this title – this being said, I am strongly against “minimum hardware checks“ in games, as they way too often show bogus results, but I really believe, that real hardware requirements should be posted and that they should be made more visible). I agree with Felix fully here. After the 'bloating' of the core programme software in TS2015 caused by the introduced new lighting effects and other changes; the demands on the user's PC hardware have increased dramatically since the change from TS2014 to TS2015. It was also the case to a lesser extent after the change from TS2013 to TS2014.

But basically the combined last two changes of the core game, have very much increased the minimum requirements for a PC to satisfactorily run the game. There is no way the game (short of sliding all the graphical settings to minimum!) would run to a reasonable usable standard, based on DTG's current recommended minimum specs; the advice needs urgent updating or risk the wrath of upset new customers.I very much hope that like Microsoft who have realised with relatively recent versions of their Windows Operating Systems, which again have become increasingly demanding PC hardware wise; that we're now seeing a reverse in their thinking, and now beginning to see more stripped down to the bare bone OSs. That perhaps DTG might look at doing the same.There seems to have been little gain in the recent changes they have made to the core programme that have significantly increased the level of hardware required to run the game. This is clearly counter-productive for sales, not everyone has a state of the art gaming machine. I truly hope that some of the ineffective added changes to the core programme are stripped out (or at least modified to run more efficiently) for TS2016. A more efficient 'meaner' core game for running the DLCs would be a huge advantage for sales; and cause a lot less problems (crashes, freezing-up, slow loading, lag in game play etc.).for users generally.

We can only live in hope! A middle of the road desktop with a i5 processor, and at least 4 Gigs of ram and a decent grapics card like a GTX 550 Ti or better should work for the present game and I don't think TS2016 will be much different. Baseball 9 game. I have an i5 with 6 Gigs of Ram and a GTX 750 Ti and get 60 fps in most places, with slowing to around 30 fps in dense cities. Minimum specs for any sim I have used in decades, never work well at all, so I wouldn't even bother reading them, unless I wanted to see what to avoid running the program on.

Matt Peddelsten one of the head programmers for DTG, just got a new laptop and he got an i7 with 16 Gbs of ram and a high end Nvidia GPU GTX 970 M, plus an SSD, so he probably got a PC suitable for the UE4 that he is currently working on, so his new rig will be future proofed. The SSD greatly shortens the loading time of scenery as the route is being run, which of course reduces the potential of any stutters or drops in frame rates, as tiles load, to almost nothing.That being said, my middle of the road desktop, which was not very expensive, runs TS2015 with zero problems, like crashes and lockup, etc. In fact I am delighted at the stability of TS2015 compared to any other sim program I have ever used, with the exception of Run 8 which is also very stable, but of course, doesn't have anywhere near the graphics complexity of TS2015.

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Opprinnelig skrevet av donaldwal:Hay just wondered do you guys know yet what the system requirements will be for ts2016 with the new game engine? I'm planning to buy a desktop computer sometime next year, would be good to know as soon as possible what specs I'll need thanks.Morning donaldwal thanks for getting in touch. At the moment we do not have any system specifications for the UE version of TS.

The best advice I can give is that it uses the same game engine as Dovetail Games Fishing and you can find the system specifications for that game hereIt is also worth keeping in mind that we are yet to confirm a release date for the UE version of TS.Good luck with your new computer,- Martin. On the side note, knowing DTG practices, I can fairly surely predict that UE TS will cause certain issues even with the computers which currently cope perfectly well with AAA FPS, especially considering TS2015 is able to perform periodical crashes to the desktop on the high end computers which are running FPS without any issues.Yes, Martin, this is an open grudge. I am tired of waiting for the proper patches.PS Martin, on the side note, promoting another sim by DTG with mixed reviews, highlighting the issues railsimming fans highlighted many many times isn't doing any good for the marketing efforts. I really wonder if you read the negative reviews for the Fishing sim.


I also thought TS2016 (if it comes into existence) will be an update of the current game with current graphics engine; nothing to do with the new UE4 graphics enginge of the new game. Which I thought was going to be called something all together new as it's essentially a completely new TrainSim game!Anyway there was an important opportunity to clarify that fact, that has been missed here; and is likely (as it stands) to lead to further confusion amongst players between the distinction over the existing game and the new graphics engine game that will be released at some unknown point in the future.